Style Queen: Part 3

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"It's really impossible to find qualified staff these days. You're fired!" Style Queen exclaims exasperated as she turns her daughter into a glitter statue. "Ladybug, (s/n), hand over those awful gloves and earrings and get this over with," She starts shooting at us, and we jump over her to avoid. Running up I slice through her with my knives but any marks left quickly filled back up and I backflipped away from her. "You still don't get it huh? I am invincible!" More shots are fired as we climb up the tower, soon hiding to take a breather.

"My power is only equal by my sense of fashion, I am invincible!" Style Queen laughs out. "Could really use a bit of luck," I whisper to Ladybug who summons her lucky charm, catching a mallet before barely dodging one of Style Queen's shots. We get moving again, Ladybug helplessly throwing her yoyo at her again but still, nothing effective happened. "Haven't you got it already? You. Can't. Beat me. How could you? You can't even touch me!" We're told as she swings her staff at us, soon kicking and punching us back when LB looks at the mallet again. "Of course, (s/n) come on!" LB dives out of the tower and I follow after her as we take off into the city.

I follow Ladybug into an ally where we de-transform and run for Master Fu's place. Barging in Mari explains the situation. "Master Fu! Chat Noir has disappeared. We can't beat Style Queen without him! The Lucky Charm told me to come here." "Don't worry Chat Noir is fine," (Liar) "He is? Then where is he?" I ask. Nonchalantly, Fu responds with, "He's just lost his miraculous." "WHAT?! He's just lost his miraculous?!" Mari and ask in unison as we approach to see Plagg, eating cheese.

"That tom cat's really got himself stuck up in a tree this time," He says, scarfing down another slice, catching us off-guard. "I didn't expect to see you here, it's Plagg right?" Mari asks, it hadn't been too long since we met Plagg after Sandboy but we weren't expecting to see him again so soon. "That's correct. I tell you that boy tends to copy me a bit too much. Yet lately he's been doing really silly things. In five thousand years I've never experienced such an irresponsible miraculous owner. As a result, he lost his ring and it's only me that'll be able to help you out," At this point, Flaake calls him out. "If Chat Noir were so irresponsible why did you choose him as your owner?" Before he could answer Master Fu speaks up. "Oh no, it's out of the question Plagg. Every kwamii is way too dangerous without an owner."

"Me? Dangerous? How so?" Plagg asks, clearly feigning ignorance. "Does the disappearance of Atlantis ring a bell with you?" "I had too much cheese." "The Leaning Tower of Pisa?" "I didn't see it." "Dinosaurs?!" "Oh yeah...Ok yes, I did go too far there but I was young," The two go back and forth before Master Fu puts his foot down. "Neither Chat Noir nor Plagg can help you today. End of discussion," I clutch my clothes tightly as the realization it would just be me and Marinette against Style Queen.

I had to help Ladybug any way I could to stop Style Queen, that meant I couldn't mess up because one wrong move meant that Hawkmoth would win. I shake my head to dispel those thoughts, I couldn't think like that. If I did then I was bound to mess up. I'd been working hard on regaining my confidence and this would be my test to see how far I have come. I take in a deep breath. I can do this, we'll get through this.

 "However," Master Fu continues, soon opening up the miracle box and presenting us with the array of miraculouses. "Pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you on this mission. Choose wisely, such powers are to serve the greater good. Once the mission is over you will retrieve the miraculous from them," We look over our options, there was a small tag next to each miraculous, explaining the power. "Style Queen likes to move around a lot, making it difficult to stop her or even see her coming, we need a way to stop her," I mumble, causing Mari to grab the bee comb. "You have someone in mind?" 

"I know just the right person," With that, we take off and I'm told the holder would be Alya. I didn't really like that, not that I didn't trust her but I didn't see how she could get close enough to use Venom if even LB and I couldn't get close to her to use it. Personally, I'd give it to Chloé since she had her mom's trust and could get close enough and since she'd be helping Ladybug and me she'd corporate but since she was now a glitter statue that wasn't an option. 

Heading back to the Eiffel Tower we locate Alya climbing up the floors, recording. "Alya! Don't get too close to Style Queen, it's too dangerous," We get her attention. "It's hard to get the scoop when you're not in the middle of the action Ladybug." "Then I have a scoop for you. Alya Césaire, here's the miraculous of the bee which grants the power of subjection. You will use it for the greater good," She presents the small box to Alya but before she could take it, Style Queen appears and fires at us, Alya pushing us out of the way, turning into a glitter statue.

"No!" We shout as we watch the small box topple down the tower. "Where's Chat Noir? Let me guess he's hiding because he's ashamed of his outfit." "LUCKY CHARM!" A glue bottle falls into her hands." "I'll keep her distracted," I say and charge at her, dodging her shots before exchanging blows, though any I gave her went through her, making it hard to do any actual damage while LB grabbed a flag and started gluing at it. She stops when I'm kicked back and slide on my back to her with a groan.

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