Luka Chapter Twenty-Four

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I dance along with the beat of the song with (y/n) as we played Let's Dance at Alya's place with her, Nino, and Marinette. We also had Adrien on a video call. We had all agreed to see the World Cup's fireworks together tonight at the Place de la Concorde Ferris Wheel when it got darker. The song comes to an end and I grab hold of (y/n) and dip her, causing her to laugh. I smile down at her like she always seems to get me to do. Man, I love her so much. I lean down and dip kiss her before we look at our score and she challenges Alya and Nino. "Ha! Beat that you two!" "Gladly," The song starts and we watch them dance as well. "They're so in sync with each other," Mari comments and Adrien agrees. "You're right. Makes me hope one day I'll find someone I can share everything with like they do."

(y/n) then brings up a girl named Kagami that I have only heard a few snippets about, I haven't actually met her but the impression I had was Adrien and she were dating but he was quick to shut that idea down. "N-No. We're not dating we just see each other a lot. Besides, I doubt it would work with how much Father keeps me inside the house. But until my Father starts letting me go out more often anything like that probably won't be happening," Marinette quickly shifted the conversation away from Adrien's love life, it also amazed me how Adrien was so dense about her feelings toward him.

"Are you sure your dad won't let you come? It's such a bummer." "You know how overprotective he is. One day he'll realize I'm not a child anymore but we're not quite there yet," I nod in agreement, muttering under my breath, "I can sort of relate," His relationship with his dad reminded me somewhat about me, and mom whenever I ask about dad, I've been curious about who he is for the past few years but she never talked about it and refused to tell me almost if she were trying to protect me from the truth or something so I at least understood feeling like the parent is treating me like a young child. Our attention turns to Alya and Nino who had just finished the song with Nino ending in a ballerina spinning pose. We all burst out laughing when the door opens and in comes, a woman in wrestling gear, as she snorts out "Aw shoot did I miss the ballet?" "Nora! Is your match over already?" "First round, total knock out as usual," She then pulls Alya aside to whisper to her. "The name is Anansi like the spider." "Sure I'll call you Anansi when you stop calling me little sis." "Not happening. Anyway, what are you still doing here? It's starting to get late, don't you have school tomorrow?" Nora asks, taking off her headgear and getting a drink from the fridge.

Alya explains to her sister how we were going to see the fireworks at the Place de la Concorde Ferris Wheel where Nora protests telling us Alya wasn't allowed to go because of the akuma attacks and how Alya was put in direct danger more than once because of it. This only caused the two to argue more. "That's so ridiculous! The twins were akumatized right here at home! Plus not only have I already been akumatized but so has Dad and we haven't been targeted by Hawkmoth since!"

"Well, none of that would've happened if I was there. I won't let anybody mess with my family." "You mean like the other day at the square?" I look at (y/n) with a confused look and ask what happened and they explain. "Besides, what would happen if the Ferris wheel stopped working because some akumatized dude refused to pay his fair? Once you flyweights can actually defend yourselves like me we'll talk about it," She proceeds to kick and punch the air while Mari pointed out that the heroes would help us.

"Uh-huh and what if Mr. Whiskers is busy catching a mouse or that beetle has been sprayed with bug spray, or that bear decides she's tired so she goes into hibernation? What are you gonna do then?" "I'll protect Alya if I have to!" Nino suddenly interjects and Nora snorts. "Yeah? How exactly are you planning to defeat the villain? A dance-off?" She mimics the end pose of the dance Nino had done before continuing to laugh, a disheartened look appearing on Nino's face. "I'd...Do anything to protect Alya." "Ok. Alya can go out with you guys if you beat me in an arm wrestle," Nora sits down at the table and presents her arm for the challenge. "Please don't arm wrestle on my account. I don't need to be protected!" Alya says, knowing full well that this wasn't a fair fight. "Nino I hate to say it but you don't stand a chance against Anansi, she's way too strong," Adrien states, earning a glare.

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