Riposte: Part 4

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"I need your belt Chat Noir," He nods and we charge at Riposte again and LB tosses me the radiator. I shove it towards Riposte and her saber gets caught in it, Chat's belt soon wraps around and the three of us grab hold of the belt, pulling it as hard as we could till the saber broke as we shouted "Prêt Allez!"

Out come the akuma, followed up by the de-evilization process. "Pound it." "Gotta go, I have a vet's appointment to get to. Take care of the young lady will ya?" Chat takes off and Ladybug and I go to see if the girl in red is ok. "(s/n) can you deal with this? I have to find Adrien," I nod and we walk out. "Do you have a way home?" "Yeah, I can call my car to come pick me up." "Alright then, have a good rest of your day miss," I take off soon de-transforming in the Louvre when my phone goes off.

It was Alya, she had finished reviewing the footage and determined that it was the misses that won the match. "I knew it," I mutter when I see Adrien and run up to him and tell him the good news. "Then we have to find her." "She should still be outside," We walk out to see indeed she was still here.

"Excuse me?" We approach her and she gives us an apologetic look. "Listen I..." She trails off before she and Adrien apologize at the same time. "Will you agree to take this back now?" He offers her, her saber. She hesitates to take it. "No, I lost, you keep it." "I personally think the point was your's." "That's not what your friend saw." Adrien smiles. "Marinette gets flustered easily. She's kind and means well, she'd never cheat."

 "I can confirm since I live with her but also today was her first ever experience with fencing so she doesn't completely understand the sport and you two were most likely the first real match she's ever seen. Also, I recorded the match and had my friend analyze it, she confirms the point went to you. We can show this to D'Argencourt and get you admitted into the school."

"You like her a lot huh?" The question was directed toward Adrien. "Marinette? Yeah, of course, she's a very good friend and you'll like her too when you get to know her," He explains and I smile, a good friend was a good place to start along with Mari continuing to learn how to speak proper sentences in front of him.

"Please take it," With a smile, she takes back her saber and bows. "I'll be happy to get to know your friend Marinette." Her ride arrives and Adrien extends his hand. "My name's Adrien." "And I'm (y/n)," I also extend my hand. "Kagami," Kagami shakes our hands and heads to her car which just arrived. "Get ready for that decisive match." "I can't wait Kagami," She takes off and I wave goodbye to Adrien as I go and meet up with Marinette. Right now Tikki was trying to cheer her up. 

"At least you know how much Adrien values your friendship." "I know, great so he likes me but I don't want him to just like me. I mean I do but you know I want him to LIIIIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKEEEE me," Marinette starts acting overdramatic making me laugh. "In that case, you might wanna learn better fencing." "On your guard Tikki," The two fence with their fingers before laughing, and I nudge Marinette. "Being a good friend to Adrien though is a great place to start, next up coherent full sentences."

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