Glaciator: Part 1

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A runaway bus careened down the streets of Paris. Ladybug, Chat Noir and I hop onto the bus and peek inside to see it filled with passengers, the driver doing his best to steer the bus. "Ready you two?" "We're always ready M'lady. Who needs breaks when they've got us?" Chat says while tossing his staff to Ladybug, I extend my knives into the spear and throw it at the far end street lamps while LB goes under the bus to wrap her wire under it. Chat throws his staff at the last lampost we passed and it extends soon tugging on the bus. With the wire and staff pulling it back and my spear preventing it from moving farther the bus comes to a stop right at a crosswalk.

We get the doors open and help the citizens off the bus. "So Ladybug what would you say if you and I met up for a little dinner? Rooftop style?" Chat asks Ladybug out yet again. "For dinner? As superheroes?" She asks with an amused smile on her face. "Well yeah that's right, we're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean wouldn't you like to get to know one another?" "What does that make me? Chopped liver?"

I joke and start snickering upon seeing Chat's face as he stumbles with his words. "What?! No! I-I-I just want to get to know Ladybug better- Uh! Not that I don't want to get to know you better (s/n) it's j-just that..." He trails off and I pat his shoulder in reassurance. "I know but in all seriousness, you know the rule Chat we can't know each other's identities or we'll lose our miraculous, and trying to get to know each other is detrimental to our identities."

"Which is why we won't talk about stuff to revealing to our identities just basic stuff like what's her favorite color and such," He says with a proud smile as if he found a loophole around the one rule. "That's so thoughtful of you Chat but I can't. I already made plans with some friends," Ladybug awkwardly turns him down when the bus driver comes out and shakes our hands, thanking us for the help. "Well if your plans end early come and join me." "We'll see." "I'll be waiting M'lady," She takes off and Chat Noir watches her go with that goofy grin of his. "I know that look. Don't get your hopes up Chat Noir she said she had plans so don't expect her to come," I say giving Chat a serious face it honestly surprised me he was still trying to enter a relationship with her, she's rejected him so much not to mention her already having a crush on someone else...

"I know but I've got a good feeling," He tells me before taking off and I sigh before heading back home. Marinette and I finish dinner and put our dirty dishes in the dishwasher when Tom pulls out a tropical fruit cake for dessert, Marinette's favorite. "Yum! Oh! Uh no thanks Dad," Mari says, remembering we had plans for after dinner. "But isn't this your favorite?" "Yes, and it still is but I told you (y/n) and I were going out with friends. We're gonna get ice cream at André's," She explains before Tom and Sabine speak in unison. "Oh Sweet Hearts Ice Cream." "That was where your father asked me to-" "Marry him."

"He hid the ring in a scoop of vanilla ice cream-" "And you almost swallowed it too," Mari laughs as she collects her things and we start to head out when "They say those who eat ice cream at André's will stay in love forever. Who are you getting ice cream with Marinette?" I giggle as Mari's eyes widen before she drags me out of the apartment with a quick goodbye to her parents.

We head to the school where we were meeting up with Alya, Nino, Ivan, Mylène, and Luka. Alya comes up to say hi before giddily turning to me. "So you're really gonna do it? You're gonna ask Luka out tonight? For real?" I nervously nod my head. "Yeah, I think it's about time I stopped focusing on my school career and worrying about akumas and start living," Mari and Alya squeal happily before Marinette starts looking around for Adrien. "Where's Adrien?" "Don't get upset ok? But Nino just got a text...Adrien's dad isn't letting him go out." "Once again," Mari sadly sighs out as the rest of our friends come to say hi. "Do we know where André is today?" I ask, trying to get Mari to focus on something else.

"The deal with André and his ice cream cart is you never know where he's gonna be. You gotta follow his clues to find out where he's gonna set up," Nino explains, tapping away at his phone to find André. "The first time Mylène and I wanted André's ice cream it took us three hours to find his cart," Ivan laughs as he tells the story, Luka chiming in. "Then (y/n) and I got lucky. Back when she did a cover with Jagged Stone I was looking for a place to celebrate her success when I stumbled upon André and got lucky that he decided to stay in that spot for a couple of hours." "Hey someone posted a photo. He's on his way to the Pont des Arts."

 We all start cheerfully running towards Pont des Arts and as we got closer we could hear him singing. "My name is André~ André Glacé~ The sweetheart's matchmaker~ With one scoop or two I'll find love for you with magical ice cream flavor~ My name is André~ André Glacé~ The sweetheart's matchmaker~ With one scoop or two I'll find love for you with magical ice cream flavor~" The seven of us get in line for the magical ice cream.

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