Malediktator: Part 2

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"What do you mean you can't celebrate that? Chloé's a total brat to everyone, she was useless anyway," Marinette slightly argues and Adrien shakes his head stating, "Nobody's useless, not even Chloé. When I was little and wasn't allowed out she was the only friend I had. I understand she hasn't been the best person but she's still my friend and she left angry and unhappy...I can't celebrate that" He walks off with a frown. 

Mr. Damocles was apparently so happy that Chloé left he canceled classes for the rest of the day so we could party. The party was in full swing too when Alya approached me. "Where's Marinette? I don't see her," I point at the stairs where she was sitting. "She's sad because Adrien's sad." "Why is he sad?" "That Chloé left, she used to be his only friend," I explain and she nods understandingly before stating, "Well Adrien being sad shouldn't stop her from having fun, come on," We go and sit next to her Alya says, "Come on girl just cuz Adrien's bummed out doesn't mean you have to be too." "Yeah, but I might've been a bit too harsh on her, I mean what if Adrien's right and she's not just a brat?" I give Mari a blank stare, she wasn't just a brat she was one who had a heart and didn't know how to use it so it's sad she left before learning how to change but at least there would be fewer akumatizations and that was worth celebrating.

"What else could she possibly be? Superbrat maybe," We all look up when we hear a helicopter fly overhead and see a guy dressed like a general back in the 1800s. "By the powers vested in me, I declare this school a demolition sight!" The guy throws a large golden bubble down on us and it hits almost everyone as Mari and I watch in shock as everyone hit by the bubble starts destroying the school. We run off when the man lands and demands to know where Marinette was and he had something special for her after what she did to Chloé. It hits us that was her dad.

"Looks like Chloé managed one last victim," Flaake comments and Mari nods. "Yeah and I'm partly to blame," With that, we transform and head out to find Chat Noir already on the scene, André claiming himself as Malediktator the new super mayor of Paris, and that this was his city. "Paris is our city, it belongs to everyone!" Ladybug informs him before we charge at him. He throws a few punches which we block or evade. LB manages to wrap her yoyo around one of his wrists, only giving him one arm to block mine and Chat's attacks before grabbing Chat's staff and knocking him into me, sending us back. Malediktator then grabs one of the benches and throws it at Ladybug, forcing her to let it go.

"By the power vested in me, I declare that your miraculous are mine!" He sends three bubbles our way which start following us after we dodged them. Avoiding them we make our escape to the roof. "It's time we impeach him and declare him powerless," Chat says as we look him over, Ladybug soon pointing out the akuma had to be in his sash. One lucky charm later and we have an abacus. "We may not need it, he's distracted, I'll take him down," Chat says soon jumping toward Malediktator even after our pleas for him to wait. He couldn't even finish the word cataclysm before... "By the power invested in me, I declare that you are a cat!" 

Chat starts acting like a cat, and Audrey soon gives him scritches. Malediktator goes to grab his ring and we get ready to attack when Chat starts hissing and clawing at him while hiding behind Audrey. "Kitty still has claws. Hang on Chat Noir, I'll be back," She takes off toward Master Fu's and I go with her just in case he decides to target me too, no need for both her partners incapacitated.

Within five minutes Marinette and I are busting through Master Fu's door exclaiming, "A villain has turned Chat Noir into a cat!" "Perhaps you shouldn't have left him by himself, he's at Hawkmoth's mercy." "I know but the lucky charm told me to come here." "I would've stayed behind but one wrong move and I could've been turned into a bear or something." Out comes the miracle box and we're told the same spiel as last time. Mari looks over our options as I say, "We need to immobilize him so he can't use his power so we need someone who's not impressed by people or power," Chloé comes to mind and I reach for the bee miraculous, Marinette grabbing my wrist as she understands who I thought of and asks, "What are you thinking?"

"Chloé is the best option she's not impressed by people or power, she already knows how the bee miraculous works, most of the people we trust have already been turned into Malediktator's followers, not to mention she'd actually be able to get close to him. I think she'll work with us this time. Especially if Ladybug gives her the miraculous," I say, putting the comb in her hand and we head out in search for Chloé when we see Tom and Sabine round the corner with luggage.

"Mom, Dad! What are you doing?" Mari asks as we run up. "Marinette! A man named Malediktator was looking for you. Thanks to him we're leaving Paris forever." "Come with us honey, last one there is a big slow snail," Her parents walk off, leaving us confused. "Your poor parents, we have to stop Malediktator," Tikki comments, finishing off her macaroon. "We know but we have to find Chloé first. She said she had a secret lair in her documentary," We pull up the video and on closer inspection, we notice she was on the roof of The Grand Palais. One quick trip later and we're there looking around when Chloé comes running out, soon falling so she doesn't run into us.

"Are you ok?" LB asks, offering a hand and we're pulled into a hug. "Ladybug, (s/n)! Finally! You're going to help me right?!" "Yes but first we need you to tell us what happened. Why is your dad- Malediktator so mad?" "It's because of this super lame loser named Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She's this horrible girl in my class and she hates me. She's gotten everyone to gang up against me..." Chloé starts ranting, LB starts to grit her teeth and I poke her to remain calm. Taking a deep breath she asks, "Maybe this Marinette girl isn't entirely to blame," Ladybug cuts her off and Chloé sighs. "Ok, it isn't totally Marinette's fault. She is really mean to me sometimes but this time daddy got mad all by himself." "All by himself?" I ask crossing my arms and she nods her head slowly. "Yeah because there was something he couldn't do."

Ladybug grabs her shoulder reassuringly. "Chloé it's us Ladybug and (s/n). You can trust us and tell the truth." "This a judgment-free zone," I chime in with a reassuring smile. "I...I..." She hesitates for a moment. "It was me, I hurt my daddy's feelings because I want to leave Paris forever." 

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