Sandboy: Part 1

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Author: Gonna change the episode's format a bit since a good portion of this episode is with the Kwamiis.

Marinette and I looked over the translated grimoire Master Fu had given us, for the past few weeks he had been teaching us and Chat Noir how to read the grimoire just in case something happened and so we didn't have to have a translated recipe to make magical power-ups for anyone to find. "Is that...Honeydew?" Mari asks, pointing to a character and I look over the sheet. "Yeah!" We high-five, happy we were finally getting somewhere with this, soon turning toward our kwamiis for a high-five to see their long faces. "You both seem so upset tonight, Tikki, Flaake, is something wrong?" Mari asks and the two exchange looks before Tikki explains.

"The kwamii Nuuruu's transition is..." "Wait Hawkmoth's kwamii?" I ask just to be sure and they confirm. "Yes, he's celebrating his thirty-five hundredth cycle today all by himself." "We will free him from Hawkmoth one of these days," Marinette tries to reassure them and Flaake speaks up. "There may be a faster way too. You see kwamiis are able to communicate with each other on their cycle, basically our birthday through a ritual and we won't get another opportunity for a long time because a kwamii's cycle lasts several hundred of human years."

"Wow, that's amazing! That means you could find out where he is and who Hawkmoth is! Just with a ritual?" Mari asks, intrigued and they continue to explain. "Kwamiis must gather in the miracle box at a specific time." 'Which is when?" I ask and our kwamiis give a saddened look as they answer. "Tonight." "Tonight?! Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?" Mari and I ask in unison. "Master Fu doesn't want us kwamiis to leave our owner's sides. He says we need to take action immediately if someone is akumatized." "That is a good point but  if all the other kwamiis are able to meet up, it can still happen can't it?" I ask and Flaake shakes her head. "I doubt it, this ritual requires a certain amount of our energy and if there isn't enough it won't go through. The more kwamiis there is the greater chance of success. Wayzz, Plagg, Tikki, and I had an idea, well mainly Plagg but Tikki, Plagg, and I would go meet with the others in the miracle box and Wayzz would stand guard just in case there is an akuma attack and then get us if there is one."

Mari and I look at each other, it did sound like a good plan. "That's a good idea, we're cool with it if it means saving Nuuruu and defeating Hawkmoth." "Wait so you're both ok with it? We can go?" "Of course, besides it is pretty late I doubt Hawkmoth could akumatize anyone tonight, plus we trust you," Our kwamiis give us a quick hug with a thank you and take off with a yellow marker and one of the leftover croissants we had while we were translating. Once they fly out we finish and head to bed.

Flaake and Tikki wait at the meet-up point for Plagg when they finally spot him flying up carrying a piece of camembert cheese. "Hey Sugarcube, Snowflake," Plagg greets, using his usual nickname for the two. "We've already told you not to call us that do you ever hear us call you stinky socks?" Tikki rebuttals, earning a smile from Plagg. "No, but you should. That would be delightful Sugarcube." "Just give up on it Tikki he's been calling us by those nicknames for millennia now, he's not gonna stop now," Flaake sighs as the three take off to Master Fu's. "So what lies did you tell your owners?" "Actually we told them the honest truth." "Oh? One of these days I need to try that and see what it's like."

Plagg says, eating the camembert, earning a glare as Flaake lectures him. "Plagg so should've saved some for the others!" "I know but I was so grossed out by your kindness that it made me really hungry," Flaake and Tikki groan, and the cat kwamii's antics before admitting they hoped they could get in contact with Nuuruu. Finally reaching Master Fu's the kwamiis fly into the room and greet Wayzz. "Hi, Wayzz!" "Shhh, you'll wake up Master! If you manage to contact Nuuruu wish him a happy thirty-five hundred cycles for me," Wayzz points at a sleeping Fu before sending the three in.

They enter the miracle box and enter the space looking space filled with all sorts of treasures the kwamiis had collected over the millenniums. "Hey everybody! We're here!" Plagg calls out and one by one each of the kwamiis comes out. "Plagg, Tikki, Flaake! You came! With you here, we'll surely be able to contact Nuuruu!" Ziggy the goat kwamii gleefully exclaims before everyone else cheers.

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