Backwarder: Part 4

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Immediately she runs straight for me, weapon directed at me. The minute I see Chat kick the pipe I backflip out of the way just as it trips Backwarder. She tumbles straight up to Chat Noir who cataclysm's the broach. One, no more evil-doing for you little akuma, later the three of us pound it and Ladybug runs up to help Marianne while I explain to Chat what happened, he takes off soon afterward and Ladybug apologizes for giving the wrong note and I hand her the correct one.

Once we get Master Fu his prescription after explaining to the doctor that we lost her note, Master Fu went to meet Marianne and we watched from a distance as they talked. "Now it's my turn to go and hide, my sweet darling Fu." "Marianne, I've never told you this but I...I-" She cuts him off with a light shush, placing a finger over his lips.

"Save it for when I get back." "Ugh, why doesn't he just tell her?!" Tikki asks, a bit exasperated. "Probably because it's not the right time yet." "Oh? What about you? When will it be the right time for you?" Flaake asks, teasingly, and Marinette groans. "I'll tell you if I'm still alive after seeing Adrien again tomorrow morning," I snicker as I say, "I wonder if he actually went to go get the prescription," She lets out another groan as we head home.

At school the next day, the girls swarmed Marinette, curious to know how things went. "So, how did it go?" "Did you tell him?" "Yeeeeaaaahhhh...Kinda. Basically, I gave him a letter," Mari admits and the girls erupt in cheers, I haven't even heard this kind of excitement since they learned Luka and I were dating.

"What did you write?" "Not much nor is it really important-" She tries to brush it off when Alya yells, "What?! How can you say that girl?" Marinette doesn't get to answer because Adrien walked up with a wave and Mari is shoved toward him. "I was very surprised when I read your letter but since it seemed to be so important, I spent the whole weekend walking around London looking for it, just for you," He hands over the bag, holding the medication and I start laughing in my hand as she gives an embarrassed thank you.

"Disaster!" Mari shouts, slumping to her knees when Adrien leaves and the girls give her a confused look while I burst out laughing uncontrollably. "Disaster? He had you on his mind all weekend and even brought back a gift for you!" "What did he get you?" "No, we're good, trust me we really don't need to open it," Mari says, keeping the bag away from them when I grab it and toss it to Alya who looks in, confused. "Constipation capsules?" I laugh even harder and they give me a confused look. "She gave him the wrong note and gave him a doctor's note for that medication for her grandpa," I explain and the other girls laugh as well.

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