Syren: Part 1

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One of the escaped gorillas lets out a scream as it pounded its fists to the roof forcing Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, and I to jump back and signal to the news helicopter to stay back as well. The gorillas take off and the four of us take chase while also keeping an eye on the other animals running loose in the streets. We see one of the zoo trucks pull up and open the backdoors and Ladybug points at it. "(s/n)!" I nod and summon up my ice storm, making an ice slide in front of the gorillas leading into the truck before making it disappear, LB using her yoyo to shut the doors.

Next up were the rhinos, we found them digging through some plants at a nearby flower shop and Chat Noir uses his staff to get their attention. The four of us rile them up enough to the point they charged at us. Quickly moving out of the way they ran into the next zoo truck. With the elephants and giraffes, we just had to lead them back to the zoo. Easy for the giraffes since we only had to lead them with food. The elephants however we had to blockade every path they went to lead them back to the zoo. All that was left was the panthers.

"How are we supposed to get the panthers back? We can't just blockade every corner with our weapons," Rena asks and Ladybug looks around before noticing the last zoo truck parked a little away, the zoo keepers calling out for the panthers. "I've got an idea, Rena you'll need to use your powers." "You got it just tell me what and where."

 Rena winks and LB turns to Chat, "I want you to lure the panthers as close as you can get to this street without them hurting anyone. When you get to this street, Rena will create a trail of meat that'll lead into the truck," He nods and takes off, Rena soon getting in a better position.

"Now we wait," It wasn't long before we hear Chat running toward us as he cracks one of his usual jokes. "Come on guys you wouldn't want to hurt one of your cousins would ya?" He turns the corner and a moment later a mirage of a trail of meat appears on the road and Chat skids to a stop. "How about some tasty chops instead?"

He takes off and the panthers follow the trail right into the truck which LB and I close. We wave to everyone and Chat and I turn to Ladybug and Rena Rouge to pound it but the two were already running off. "Hey, where ya going?" Chat asks and Ladybug points to Rena's flashing necklace. "Rena's allowed to transform back." "So you're allowed to know Rena's identity but (s/n) and I aren't?" Chat asks, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow while I kiss my teeth, knowing whose identity I actually know...

"Because I have to get her miraculous back." "So what're our roles then? The two who's always left in the dark. Are you hiding anything else from us?" Before Ladybug could respond Rena coughed reminding us she had to go. "Ok, I'll talk to him about it." "Him? Who's him?" "I can't say now but soon I promise," Ladybug says before taking off with Rena. "Can you believe this?" He asks me in disbelief and I bite my bottom lip nervously. "Well..." "Wha?! You know too?! I hate secrets," He pouts and I shake my hands defensively. "No just who's she's talking about-" I cut myself off when I start to de-transform and I run behind a pillar and start to feed Flaake.

"That doesn't change the fact that you know who she's talking about and I don't, it's like you guys don't trust me." "Yes I do and it's not that we were intentionally hiding stuff from you it just never came up and that's not true! We do trust you, why do you think I'm here willing to explain as much as I can while I'm de-transformed?" I point out and I hear him let out a huff. "That only shows me that you trust me. If Ladybug trusts me to tell me this stuff then why isn't she here right now helping you explain things?"

I go silent at that, I didn't know how to exactly answer that. "What I thought." "I'll talk to her about it but for now what do you want to know?" "Everything," Obviously I couldn't tell him everything which made me feel bad but I wouldn't leave him empty handed so I proceeded to tell him that there was a guardian of the miraculous, the tale my grandmother told me, and why Ladybug and I had to meet him and what I was told by the guardian. "There was so much I didn't know..." He trails off sadly. "But now you do know, it's just a shame none of that info is too useful." "I don't care if it is or isn't I just want to be kept in the loop. Thank you for trusting me, now if only Ladybug did as well." "I promise I'll talk to them as well," He takes off and I re-transform and make my way over to Master Fu's hopefully Mari was still there.

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