Chameleon: Part 4

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"Lila?" "Ladybug?" "Hopefully now whatever grudge you had against me can be put behind us. Truce?" Ladybug offers her hand out to Lila. "Yeah, thanks Ladybug. I'd be honored to call you my friend," She shakes her hand and LB smiles a little awkwardly. "I'm happy to hear that. I have some advice if you're willing to listen. You don't have to lie and pretend to be something you're not. People will like you for just being yourself. At least now you can say we're friends for real," With that we take off and head back to school before the bell rang.

When we get back to school we find Lila had  managed to get aride here and was currently still lying to everyone else, guess she didn't want Ladybug's advice. As anyone could imagine Marinette wasn't too happy about that either. "Didn't your Tinitus give you vertigo when you went up the tower?"

"No, no. Ladybug knows me so well that she brought me an ear plug to stick in my right ear." "Right ear? She said the ringing was in her left ear! I've got her this time," Mari growls as she stands up to call Lila out on her bull. Adrien approaches and stops her asking, "Are you gonna call her out?" "Of course, I am. Lila's-" "A liar. I know. But do you really think exposing her will make things better? You tried that at lunch and it only made you look bad."

"So we're supposed to just stand by and let her lie?" I ask, leaving on the stairway, hand rail and he shakes his head. "No I don't want to but it seems like we'll have to talk to everyone in private where she can't spin more lies for them to hear. But as of now as long as the three of us know the truth and keep a close eye on her and make sure none of the lies are harming anyone, she won't be able to do much."

"Yeah, you're right, we can try your approach," Mari says when the bell rings and we all grab our stuff and head to class. I start to head up to my seat in the back with Mari when Adrien grabs my shoulder. "What's up?" "Is it ok if I sit in the back with Marinette?" I blink, a little surprised until I saw him smiling up at her. "Yeah of course, go right ahead."

I go and sit in Adrien's old seat and Lila sends me a glare whispering "What are you doing in Adrien's seat?" "He asked to switch seats. Guess he wanted to sit with a decent person who doesn't lie with every breath she takes," I say smugly, putting my hands behind my head and leaning back, sending a smirk her way.

Lila gives me one more glare before glaring up at Marinette. Before she could do anything though Ms. Bustier started attendance. After attendance was over we had barely started class when Lila jumps up and exclaims excitedly "Ms. Bustier! This is incredible, my Tinitus, it's gone! It's a miracle! It must've been the work of Ladybug, Marinette can sit in the front like she wanted."

"But..." Mari starts to trail off, unsure how to say she wanted to stay next to Adrien after making a huge stink about it earlier. I turn around and give Alya a look hoping for once she'd step in considering how hard an Adrienette shipper she is. "Uh Ms. Bustier, Lila can have my seat, Nino and I can't stop chatting it up," It seems this caused a chain reaction of people asking to change their seats until we went back to our normal seating arrangement, leaving Lila all alone in the back of the class.

School and Mari and I are met with a frowning Lila as she growled out "I see you've both made your decisions. From now on, we're at war. You'll lose all of your friends, and wind up all alone while Adrien will be mine," Mari and I exchange amused smirks before addressing her. "We'll see about that Lila," We leave it at that and start walking home while Lila storms off in the other direction.

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