Captain Hardrock: Part 3

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By the time Ladybug and I got to the deck we see Chat had gotten himself chained up. LB uses her yoyo to destroy the chain just as we landed on the deck. "Seize them!" Captain Hardrock orders and more chains come flying that the three of us dodged or used our weapons to block. She goes to make another order when we hear police sirens and turn to see a few police boats chasing after us. Including Officer Roger who was demanding she stopped in the name of the law. Stereos were blasted at them and Chat Noir, Ladybug, and I come to their rescue. "Stay undercover. We'll handle her."

More stereos were sent our way. "I hope you two brought your sea legs," LB comments, and Chat jokes back. "I'll be purrfect as long as I stay dry." "Didn't you know that polar bears like water?" I shoot back as we make our way back onto Liberty. More chains come our way and we start hopping on them to get closer to Captain Hardrock. We clash weapons a few times before she climbs the shrouds with a laugh.

"Any idea where the akuma is?" Chat asked as we dodged more chains. "Dunno but it's gotta be on the ship somewhere," LB responds. "In that case, a cataclysm will settle this," He goes to activate his power when I grab his hand and pull it down stating "Don't! There's prisoners down in the hold. If you sink the ship they could drown." Our attention turns back to Hardrock when she starts firing at Nightengale's concert. 

"We've gotta stop this ship somehow," Ladybug says, and Chat nods hopping up to the sails and trying to rip it. "Time this vessel anchored," Nothing happened, so I tried with my kunai knives and still nothing happened. "No good, it's indestructible," Hearing this Ladybug grabs hold of the wheel but it won't budge.

"Liberty answers only to me seize her!" Hardrock admits and Chat and I charge at her while Ladybug disappears. Chat and I start sword fighting with Hardrock, our weapons clashing together. Eventually, though she manages to throw us off the main mast and there wasn't enough time to react to avoid the chains and we were chained to the pole in the crow's nest. Captain Hardrock jumps in and smirks at us.

"My treasure will be your miraculous kitty cat and polar bear," She goes to grab the ring first when LB's yoyo wraps around her wrist and she's dragged back down to the deck. "Don't be an impatient scurvy Ladybug you're next in line!" We hear before the two start battling and again we hear Officer Roger. "I command you to stop your acts of piracy in the name of the law!" "Him again?" I huff out in annoyance, what part of we'll handle this did he not understand?

Liberty fires at him again and he's sent flying into a tree. While Hardrock was distracted LB takes this time to come to our rescue and we hide. "If you refuse to give me your miraculous my next target will be Mayor Bourgeois and his land lumbering orchestra! Liberty next up City Hall!" "Thanks, M'Lady any longer and we would've been fish food." "Of course but we've got a problem, I couldn't free the prisoners and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with this," Ladybug informs us, unlocking the metal chain when Chat smirks. "It's probably just trying to tell you that you're chained to us forever," He jokes while LB looks around.

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