Weredad: Part 3

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Flaake and Tikki squeeze out from the vines they had been trapped in and look up at the vine stretched high into the sky. "We have to get to Marinette and (y/n)," Tikki says worriedly and Flaake nods, the two kwamiis soon flying up in search of their owners.

I start walking around, climbing over vines, trying to find Marinette, Flaake, Tikki, or a way out but all I could see anywhere I looked was more vines on top of more vines. "Flaake!" I call out when I hear Marinette. "(y/n)?!" "Marinette?! Are you ok?!" "Yeah, you?" "Yeah! Any sign of the kwamiis?" "No! I don't see you either!" I run towards where I heard her voice, turning the corner happily before realizing Marinette wasn't where I thought she was. I coulda sworn I heard her over here.

"Marinette!" "(y/n)!" I hear Tikki and Flaake call out for us and Mari and I happily call back, causing me to run to where I thought I heard Flaake but once again I get there and there was no sign of her. What was going on? "Where are you?!" I call out, still looking around when Tikki responds, "This seems to be a magic prison, it's trying to keep us from finding you two!"

 "But if you can still hear us...Flaake Freeze!" I say my magic words hoping it would force Flaake to find me but I'm instead met with an apology. "Sorry (y/n), I need to know where you are otherwise it won't work." "Was worth a shot, any ideas Marinette?" I'm met with silence. "Marinette!" "I see a rose! It has to be the one Chat Noir gave me, I'm going to try and get it!"

She calls back, and a moment later we hear the sound of a mechanism and Marinette screaming. "Marinette!" The kwamiis and I shout in unison. "I'm fine! But the path to the rose is bobby trapped, I just need to be careful. The moment we hear Marinette exclaim "Gotcha!" The ball begins sake as vines fell including us, grabbing onto a vine I start screaming when Flaake flies up to me happily. "(y/n)!" "Flaake!"

Author: Sorry this chapter is shorter than normal but a lot of the rest of the episode focused on Chat's fight with Weredad. Might just finish the episode today since not much writing was done.

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