Animaestro: Part 3

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"So you really think a director does nothing? Well, let me show you exactly what I Animaestro am capable of." He says and Chloé waves him off. "Get a grip," She turns to Adrien to out Marinette but strangely enough he was gone. Everyone starts panicking while I look for Luka hoping I wasn't in his sight. I didn't get to look long before Mari was pulling me away to transform.

"I promise to never take Chloé's advice again," Mari mumbles as we stare up at the giant 2D dinosaur blowing everything up. "Oh really? Why's that? Is it because you tried to humiliate Kagami for no reason other than she talked to Adrien that clearly backfired and akumatized Thomas ASTRUC?" I sarcastically comment and she gives me a guilty look before transforming and I do the same.  

The two of us meet up with Chat Noir to find Animaestro was still blowing things up as a dinosaur. "We'd have come to your movie premiere if we'd known how upset you were gonna get!" Chat Noir calls up to him to prevent him from attacking a helicopter. "What's with that trailer too? I am not scared of cats and there are a few bears I trust," Ladybug chimes in and I shoot her a confused look. There were a few bears she trusted besides me? "You haven't even seen the movie and you're already slamming it!" He yells at us. "He does have a point you know," Chat points out before we jump out of the way of a blast.

"But isn't that the point of the trailer to tell us about the movie and see how the audience reacts to it?" I ask and LB nods. "Exactly, it's called constructive criticism, you should learn to take it!" She proceeds to tie Animaestro up against the Montparnasse tower with her yoyo. "Oh please it's always about you, I won't allow that, everyone will be looking at me!" 

With a flash of bright light, Animaestro turns into a giant robot. "Let's see if you can enjoy the true power of animation!" He starts zapping a laser at us with his horn, Chat Noir shoving me and Ladybug out of the way of the blast. Getting up we see Animaestro had changed into a bouncing black and white dog that looked like it was from the early days of animation. "I am the only true hero," He says with a squeaky voice, throwing a black hole in Chat's path who was charging toward him.

He falls through the hole and Ladybug uses her yoyo to pull him out. "You ok Chat Noir?" She asks as we gain some distance when I pull them both to the side to avoid the boxing gloves being sent our way. We start running as I ask, "Can either of you explain to me how we're supposed to defeat a 2D character?" "The only thing that doesn't transform is his mask," LB points out and we catch on quickly that's where the akuma was.

Another flash and we look up to see 2D Majestia flying above us. "Fear the power of cartoons!" "How about you fear the power of the LUCKY CHARM!" She summons her lucky charm and a cam head strap fell into her hands, earning today's usual joke from Chat. "Of course! Who better to make a movie about Chat Noir, (s/n), and Ladybug than Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n)?" Ladybug put on the cam head strap just as more lasers were shot at us and we fell into the subway and I grumble, "He really doesn't take kindly to any criticism," Just as we got up we see Animaestro had turned into a ninja and threw smoke bombs at us, effectively blinding us.

 "I can't see anything!" "Neither can I!" Chat and I exclaim while coughing from the smoke. "Protect your miraculous he could be anywhere!" Ladybug instructs us and I clench my fists and shut my eyes when we hear him let out a yell before it went quiet. Confused I start to open my eyes when Chat Noir shouts, "Move!" The three of us jump out of the way and I close my eyes again, man this smoke was annoying, having had enough I summon my ice storm and start making ice walls which started to push the smoke back.

We hear someone call down at us to see if everything was ok, and after that a confused grunt in front so I shoot ice toward the sound blindly but we hear him fly off just as the smoke cleared and I snort when one of the ends of Chat's staff hits him on the head. "Why didn't he attack us when we were blinded?" "I don't know, it doesn't make any sense. Something must've happened that we didn't see. So that's why my Lucky Charm was a camera," Ladybug says taking the camera off, playing the recording and we watch Animaestro freeze halfway through the clip confusing us. "Did you pause the video?" "No. Did you see him freeze?" "No, I had my eyes shut because of the smoke."

 "Same here." "Me too." "Ok, so that's why he didn't take our miraculous. If nobody's watching him, he stops moving!" "Just like a movie. If nobody is watching it's like it doesn't exist. Now we know how to defeat him," The three of us converse before heading up to see Animaestro was a giant unicorn, throwing up rainbows and everybody was watching him. "Shoot. It won't be easy to get people to stop watching him now. This show's a sell-out." "Well it's time for the end credits Chat Noir, (s/n)," Ladybug says after her earrings remind her we had limited time. With that, we head down and instruct everyone to close their eyes.

Author: To those who celebrate it, Merry Christmas! And if you don't happy holidays!

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