Kwamii Buster: Part 1

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It was a regular school day for (y/n) and Marinette and currently, and they were listening to a history lecture from Ms. Bustier. Normally Flaake would be taking a nap but for the past few days, she and Tikki had to be vigilant of Plagg who for the past few days kept sneaking off to eat cheese in the science classroom below us. Flaake sees Tikki fly out of Marinette's purse and phase through the floor and she soon follows to find her already scolding Plagg. "Plagg, you promised you wouldn't come back here!"

"So sorry Sugarcube but I can't resist this irresistible beauty. It beckons me every day with its gooey lusciousness and every time I eat it just pops right back up the very next day," Plagg exclaims excitedly as he hugs the lone cheese slice. Flaake crosses her arms and eyes the cheese suspiciously as she points out, "Don't you think it's strange that the cheese just re-appears in the same spot day after day?" "Precisely why I call it the magic cheese Snowflake," Tikki and Flaake fly up to try and drag Plagg away when Ms. Mendeleiev jumps out and slams a net over the three with a triumphant laugh. "I've got you at last strange creatures!" Flaake and Tikki proceed to drag Plagg away from the cheese and phase out of the net, shocking Ms. Mendeleiev. "This is exactly why we told you not to come back!" Tikki yells as the three kwamiis fly around the room dodging the net being swung at them. "They speak too?!" "I can't! It's impossible to abandon such a creamy, cozy Reblochon!" Plagg says as he flies back to munch on the cheese while Tikki and Flaake distracted the science teacher running around helplessly trying to catch them. Once Plagg was finished the three, phased out of the room and made their way back to the owner.




I was writing in my diary/ journal about today's events, I used to use the journal as a way to express myself about my hero life since there was no one to confide in, and even though I could confide in Marinette now it had turned into a daily relaxing habit. "Don't want me reading your little secrets huh?" Flaake jokes as she peeks over and I shut the journal/ diary. "No, I don't have any secrets from you Flaake, you're the one person I can be completely honest with about everything and while it's been nice to talk about my double life with Marinette and Tikki neither of them knows me as well as you do." "(y/n)'s got a point, you two are the only being's we can or could be our real selves with without any lies. I'm personally really happy to have you Tikki," Marinette chimes in, hugging Tikki. I also pull Flaake in for a hug, telling her I appreciate her too before we head to bed.




Once Marinette and (y/n) were asleep Tikki and Flaake head up to the roof where Plagg was already waiting for them. "Plagg we have to tell our owners or Master Fu the truth about what happened today," Tikki exclaims and Plagg shrugs it off. "Chill out Sugarcube. Nobody can capture or record us." "No kidding but the science teacher saw us and knows we exist now and will be hunting down for us, which could jeopardize our owners' secret identities," Flaake points out and Plagg rolls his eyes. "Ok, I promise you I won't eat any more magic cheese. Besides what's the worst that could happen anyway?" "You better not be lying and hope we don't have to find out," Flaake hisses.




"Mr. Damocles, can you confirm rumors that Ms. Mendeleiev isn't here today because she'll be appearing on The Alternative Truth tv show?" Alya asks after Mr. Damocles told us that Ms. Mendeleiev wouldn't be coming in today. "Where everything isn't always true but nothing's really false!" Kim shouts out excitedly making Mr. Damocles sigh in exasperation. "It's quite possible that Ms. Mendeleiev might have made a scientific discovery," He admits and we all beg to watch the show for this period. Letting out another sigh Mr. Damocles agrees and we head to the library to watch the show.

"And we're back for the next segment of Alternative Truth where everything isn't always true but not entirely false!" Alec's voice rings out, along with Kim's as he says the catchphrase too, earning a glare from the principal. "Let's welcome our last guest today Ms. Mendeleiev, a science teacher at Françoise-Dupont High School," Kim gets excited again and was quickly told to sit down. "You're going to describe an innovative scientific theory to our panel of experts who will decide if it's true or false! Ms. Mendeleiev, you already know our jury, the members are the famous singer XY, Mr. Banana, and Manon Chamack, daughter of our favorite news reporter Nadja Chamack. Over to you Ms. Mendeleiev," The floor is passed to Ms. Mendeleiev and she takes the stage, claiming her theory. "What you're about to see is proof of the existence of interdimensional creatures with incredible powers that can move through matter and are attracted to aged cheese," She starts to explain and my mind instantly thinks of a kwamii, more specifically Plagg.

Marinette and I exchange confused looks as Ms. Mendeleiev continues her explanation. "I discovered the first of these creatures soon after school began in September and I observed the three creatures closely. Here's my proof, watch closely," She gestures toward the screen and a video pops up of her running around the classroom trying to catch something invisible while the cheese just mysteriously disappears as if it were being eaten, only making this more suspicious. "You can't see the creatures themselves because they're not filmable but look right there," The video zooms in on the mysterious eaten cheese. "Given that I could not capture these creatures on video, I've made sketches of them to give you an idea of what they look like," Ms. Mendeleiev proceeds to pull up what look to be three poorly drawn and almost unrecognizable images of Plagg, Tikki, and Flaake. "What's that even supposed to be?" "I doubt this show is remotely scientific whatsoever," Chloé and Max comment while Marinette and I silently tell each other to go to the bathroom before we sneak out.

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