Syren: Part 4

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While Chat had Syren distracted Ladybug swims up to me and hands me a car key and gestures to Kim who was using her yoyo to breathe. "Can you get him out of here?" "Yeah, but what do I do with this?" I jangle the keys. "You'll know," She gives me a wink before swimming off and I start leading Kim out of the pool and get him onto dry land. Just as I had gotten back in the water and wrapped Ladybug's yoyo around my waist Syren comes swimming up and asks with a glare "(s/n) what have you done to my prince?!" "Looks to me like he took someone else to the ball," I say and she growls at me. "I won't let you steal him from me. Kim is mine!" She starts chasing me and I start swimming away looking at the keys in my hand. I still had no idea what Ladybug wanted me to do with them.

"(s/n), Chat and I are in position so just get Syren to the drop-off point," I hear LB say and look to my sides to see them swimming a few feet away from me, one on each side. I nod and continue swimming, dodging cars and the few grabs from Syren when I spot a car with both doors open and I spot the logo which matched the car keys and an idea comes to mind, was that what she was planning? I didn't have too much time to think it over so I just went ahead and swam through hoping it didn't mess with Ladybug's original plan.

As soon as I was out of the car, Chat slams his staff on the car which activates the airbag, trapping Syren as Ladybug and I shut the doors and I lock the car. "Nice work," She compliments me and I can't help but smile, I'm glad I helped. I hand Ladybug her yoyo which she ties to the car and we resurface and get on a roof where LB ties the other end of her yoyo around Chat's staff and we fish the car out of the water. "Looks like I got a nibble! How cool, I've always wanted a goldfish," Chat jokes making fish faces at Syren before Ladybug takes the car keys, unlocks the car, opens the door, and as the water drained out took the capsule bracelet Syren was wearing and smashed it, freeing the akuma.

With the de-evilization completed, Paris returned to normal Chat turns to us with a smile as we pound it. "Thank you for keeping your promise, M'lady, (s/n)." "We are a team, aren't we?" Once we separate from Chat Marinette and I head to Master Fu's where he proceeded to hand us both a sheet of paper with colors and a short description next to it and a bunch of colored vials stating "Each blend corresponds to a new power. You two and Chat should keep these vials with you at all times just in case," Mari and I frown at the vials, they wouldn't fit in our bags/purses and even if they could they could easily shatter. "That's a lot of powers but this is pretty unpractical..." Mari trails off. "Only the ingredients matter, they could be contained in anything." "I think I have an idea, can we have the recipe?" Turns out we could bake the ingredients into food, which led us to bake colored magical macaroons.

"The girl's mini macaroons are ready. Mmm, they look so good," Tom praises us as he reaches for one. Mari twirls away from her dad and I step away with the other batch just in case. "Actually we'll taste them first and see if they are good," Mari sheepishly tells him and he gives her a proud look. "You and (y/n) made them, they're bound to be great!" Hopefully, we wouldn't have Tom trying to eat the camembert cheese we'd be making later...

"Yummy, magical macaroons. I love your idea Marinette," Tikki says her mouth already watering at the macaroons while Mari and I put one of each color in a small container that would fit in our bags/purses. "One magi-caroon, one transformation." "I like the blue one, it looks so tasty," Flaake says, pointing at the blue macaroon and I wink. "Me too because I heard it's icy," We laugh, and later when Mari's parents wouldn't come up and try to taste what we were making we made the cheese for Chat's kwamii for Master Fu to give along with the recipe sheet and then he would explain more to him. He also requested we come in so he could teach us how to read the grimoire just in case and said he would teach Chat too, making me smile, glad to see he was mainly in the same loop as me and Ladybug.

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