Gigantitan: Part 3

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"Well hey there kitty cat, bear cub, I see you two aren't naturals with kids are you?" Ladybug teases us with a smirk. "What? No! We're clearly his favorite," I retort back and Chat extends his stick making Gigantitan let us as he remarks "Are you kidding? We're just playing a fun game of tag."

"The akuma's probably in his bracelet," Ladybug says as she makes a grab for it with her yoyo. A butterfly appeared over Gigantitan's face, Hawkmoth was probably warning him about Ladybug. Gigantitan proceeds to fling LB away. Chat Noir and I join Ladybug on the roof she landed on. "Well how about that? You're not that much of a natural with kids either," He jokes and LB crosses her arms. "For your information, I never babysat anything heavier than two tons," Chat and I pull her away from the edge at Gigantitan was searching the roof for us.

Ladybug notices the bracelet and goes for it. "No wait don't!" I try to warn her but yet again she was flung away. We join her once again. "Change of plans, to calm a baby down just put him in a playpen." "Yeah cuz we clearly have one of those," I say sarcastically and Chat asks "(s/n) has a point, M'lady, where are we gonna find a playpen his size?"

"The Eiffel Tower. We'll pin him up there with my yoyo string, sing him some lullabies, read him a bedtime story, and make cooing noises. Then when he's getting sleepy...Bam! You'll use your cataclysm to destroy his bracelet and if he moves before them (s/b) can use her ice storm to temporarily freeze him in place." "Interesting idea M'lady but how are we gonna get him there? Isn't there a simpler plan? Let's use your lucky charm."

Chat says, pointing at LB's yoyo. "Sorry Chat but that's our last resort. If this plan is too complicated for you just copy what I do," She takes off and we follow after once noticing how close Gigantitan was. The three of us start calling him over to get him to follow us. 

"Once we get him in his playpen, I'll sing him a lullaby." "Uh, we wanna calm the baby down, not burst his eardrums." "What? I have a great voice you know, I'll meow you a serenade one of these days," Ladybug giggles and I interrupt their flirting. "Hate to interrupt your flirting time but we lost him," I point at Gigantitan who had just found the lollipop truck.

Gigantitan starts crying after crushing the lollipop truck, and I can't help but feel sorry for him, all he wanted was a sweet treat but again I grow annoyed when reminded that Hawkmoth akumatized the poor baby. He stops crying when he hears a honk and turns to look at the car Chat Noir was in, honking the horn to get his attention before hopping out as we watch Gigantian play with the car. The butterfly returns to his face and I sigh, Hawkmoth was most definitely yelling at him, at this point why even let him keep his powers.

"I liked playing with cars when I was a kid too," Chat exclaims as we watch Gigantitan crawl under the Effiel Tower. "Look, he's going to his playpen all by himself! Good job kitty," We take off after him but I quickly stop to grab Chat who seemed to be on cloud nine from the compliment.

Ladybug starts making the makeshift playpen with her yoyo, Gigantitan watching her in confusion. Chat Noir whistles at the work as Gigantitan starts to bawl while tugging on the wires which started cutting the Eiffel Tower. "Hurry Chat Noir use your cataclysm on the bracelet. (s/n) prepare your ice storm in case you need to freeze him or stop the tower from falling."

The two of us are instructed and we do just that. The result however was Chat being flung halfway across the city and I had to use my powers to stop the tower from falling for the moment. Ladybug wraps her yoyo around Gigantitan to try and stop him as he started walking back the way he came dragging me and Ladybug along as we tugged on the yoyo.

He turns around after hearing us grab onto a lamppost and smiles. "Lollipop!" He rips out the lamp and starts to bring it to his mouth as we try to worm our way out. "Hey silly baby, this isn't a delicious lollipop," He stops his movement when we hear a bell ring and we see the girls on the rickshaw with Luka riding it straight toward us. LB and I smile at them, thanking them for the help as were flung away while Gigan titan chases after them. We dodged the falling lamppost and chased after them, we had to protect our friends!

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