Gigantitan: Part 2

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Well, that was incredibly cringey and again probably illegal but as it stands now only me and Alix seem to realize. As it stands now the only two who would be punished the least if the cops arrested them for this were Alix and Rose. "That was so beautiful!" Rose squeals and Alya asks for questions, I raise my hand. "You do realize that this plan is overcomplicated and illegal right? Making a fake road sign, framing the bodyguard for something he didn't do, and stalking Adrien right?"

Alya and Marinette stare at me while the other girls start mumbling to themselves. "It'll be fine, nothing's gonna go wrong," Mari reassures me and I give her a look of disbelief, she knows what she's doing is wrong but still doing it? Just wow maybe she shouldn't be with Adrien after all. "Which flower am I again?" Juleka asks next and Rose answers. "You're rose, that's right, right?" We're all passed two earphones, one for a backup just in case. They even gave one to me, guess they forgot I wasn't gonna take part in this.

I was curious though to see how this goes so I guess I'll go along and work on my next song while listening in. We reach the Trocadéro fountains and I start to listen in how all the flowers were planted when Luka sits next to me. "Luka hey, what are you doing here?"

"I went to the bakery to see if you wanted to go eat lunch with me but I was told you were here. What are you up to? Writing a new song?" "Yeah while listening to the girls go through with their plan to set up Marinette with her crush." "Oh? What are they doing?" "A very complicated plan, you wanna listen in?" I offer the extra earpiece and he accepts soon pulling out a sketchbook and continuing a drawing of a violin.

"I didn't know you could draw," I comment looking over his shoulder at the sketch. "Not really, this is more of the start of a blueprint to the next instrument I plan to make." "You make instruments?" "Yeah, it's what I wanna do once I'm finished with school." "That's awesome, have you already made your first instrument?" "Yes, it was a guitar, it took me two years to make but I think it was worth it," I smile at him about to ask what made him want to make instruments when Mari's voice kinda blasted in our ears as she told rose to go. "Me?" Rose questions and we hear Alya sigh out "No! The other rose!" We hear Juleka chuckle before hearing her mumble "Guys I got a problem." "Rose?" "Yeah what?"

"There's a problem, it's stuck in the grate," Luka gives me a confused look and I explain. "She transporting a no parking sign. I'm guessing whatever she was using to move it got stuck in the grate." He nods but still looked somewhat confused about why his sister was doing this. "Rose louder." "YEAH WHAT?!" Rose shouts and we all hiss before we hear Rose being shushed.

"What's this fake sign made out of?" Mylène grunts out. "Medal like road signs are made out of, why?" I facepalm of course it's medal. "One of the cart's wheels got stuck in a grate, Juleka and I have to carry it. Couldn't you have made the sign out of cardboard or something? Go and get the police officer," Mylène says while I continue to wonder where Mari made the sign.

"Caution the photo shoot with Buttercup will be over soon." "Arg seriously? Enough with the chit chat get to it," Alix tells the girls, sounds like she was already done with the plan. That's when we hear Officer Roger. "Oh hi, I know you, you're in the same class with my daughter."

"Hello, sir um...There's a sign..." Juleka mumbles. "Tell me about it the pigeons are such a nuisance, "I sigh, it was always a little annoying when others didn't hear Juleka, yes she's soft-spoken and quiet but still when you actually listen to her you could hear her. I quietly mumble under my breath. "You can do it Juleka, use your voice," Mari gives her a little push to do it. "Do it now rose."

"Ok!" Rose exclaims, most likely sending over the rickshaw. "Not you tulip the other rose!" Alya Alya slightly yells and we hear Rose yell out to the driver. "Come on rose you can do it," Mylène also encourages Juleka and she does, Luka and I smile as Juleka spoke loud and clear. "Illegally parked car!"

"Thank you, young lady," My attention turns to a mother coming up the stairs with her infant in a stroller, Luka and I were sitting on the stairway above the one she was on, she was more than halfway up the stairs. By the time I got up to help she made it up but I was still ready to help if she needed it while rolling my eyes at Alya who stopped Marinette from coming down to help.

"Sir? Move this vehicle right away this is a no-parking zone." "Hey! Watch it!" "He's right! Be careful!" Roger and the rickshaw driver yell when we hear Rose say "U-turn, please." "Bravo girls. Step three commence!" Mari exclaims excitedly and Luka turns to me. "Step three: Figuring out when Adrien is done with his photo shoot." "This is a very weird and complicated plan," Luka comments, brushing away some eraser bits. "You have no idea how true that statement is," I chuckle out.

My attention turns back to the mother who starts climbing up the stairs we were on and I quickly go help her after her phone falls out of her bag. "Hello, ma'am would you like some help?" I ask, handing her, her phone and she nods gratefully. "Hello little baby," I say hi to the baby as I pick up the stroller and we start walking up.

"Thank you so much." "You're welcome," I smile when the baby drops his bottle and falls down the stairs. Marinette rushes past us saying "I got it!" "Look out Buttercup's on the move!" Alya warns and Mari picks up her pace. Why should we care? He'll know that she's here and wanna say hi then you can ask him out sooner that is if Marinette actually goes through with it. "Here you are." "Thank you, young lady." "You're welcome goodbye!" Mari runs off before I hear her tell the girls "Red alert! The nanny is back!" Juleka once again gets Officer Roger.

He then proceeds to start giving the bodyguard a few tickets some of them were unethical. Just as I was about to head back down to Luka I see an akuma flying through the air. Oh, sugar biscuits! My gaze lands on Adrien's bodyguard who was grumpily walking around looking for Adrien.

Surprisingly he calms down when he spots Adrien and the akuma flies past him if it's not going after the bodyguard then who...? I spot the mother and the child behind the bodyguard and the akuma flies into the stroller. My eyes widen. No please tell me Hawkmoth wouldn't go stupidly akumatizing a baby, I don't even see how he would control what they do. But against my better judgment, he does as purple mist grows and the baby boy re-appears as a giant in a purple and green suit shouting for a lollipop. How stupid and desperate do you have to be to go this low?

That's when I feel Luka grab my hand and bring me into a safe building. "Stay here, I'm going to get my sister and your friends," He runs out and I smile at him. "So sweet," Flaake coughs out an ahem. "Right! Flaake Freeze!" When I get back on the street, I see Gigantitan was still looking for a lollipop, can use that to my advantage to lead him to the river so nobody gets hurt. That much I can do.

Before I do anything though Chat Noir appears and catches Gigantitan's attention with his bell. "Well, you're the biggest rugrat I've ever seen." "Kitty!" "Let's go splish splash mega baby," He lands next to me and turns toward Gigantitan. "You can't catch us!" We start moving toward the river. "Let's go get nice and wet but don't squish anyone ok?" By the time we get to the river Gigantitan manages to grab us and we turn our heads toward Ladybug who just appeared. 

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now