Queen Wasp: Part 3

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"What are those? Bug bites?" Chat asks, looking closer as LB shakes her head. "That's impossible she can only use Venom once like us and our powers. I don't understand, she should've transformed back by now." "Even if she re-charged her kwamii she still couldn't have done this..." I chime in when suddenly we hear a buzzing noise and look up to see a bunch of wasps creating the shape of an arrow, heading straight for us. "Look out!" I scream, tugging the two out of the way as Chloé's voice rings out.

"Your reign is over Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n). I don't even care if you give me your miraculous. My wasps will paralyze you and I'll simply take them myself," We look up to see her flying above us thanks to her wasps, she was still transformed but the colors were switched with yellow skin. It...It was possible to akumatize a miraculous? "Wasps, VENOM!" She points at us and the wasps form into two darts before targeting us yet again. Quickly we run outside to avoid the wasps as Chat tells us, "I bet the akuma is in her miraculous." "It makes sense but miraculous are indestructible to most things, we'll need to use your Cataclysm to release the akuma." "You know I'm all yours M'lady, we just need to find a way to capture it without getting stung."

We don't get to discuss this further because Queen Wasp was now above us. "A ladybug doesn't stand a chance against the queen of wasps," The wasps pick up two cars and throw them at us. We jump out of the way and Chat and I grab citizens while Ladybug catches the cars. Queen Wasp decides to target LB and I use this chance to go attack her. "Put your claws away," She tells me, grabbing my spear and using it to throw me away, Chat Noir quickly catching me. "Thanks." "No problem."

"So who's exceptional now? Them or me?" Queen Wasp asks, staring directly at Nadja and her cameraman. The wasps are sent our way yet again and we run away, pulling Nadja and the cameraman out of the way and shoving them into a building to keep them safe. Once that's done we make a break for the Seine River, while it might not make the wasps go away, at least they won't be able to sting us. Swimming through the water, using our weapons to breathe, we climb up onto a boat out of the wasp's sight and I ask, "What's the plan?" She only responds with two words: "LUCKY CHARM!" A snorkel falls into her hands and Chat snickers. "Your Lucky Charm has a great sense of humor. At least you won't drown."

"Drown! That's it! Wasps don't like water. We're gonna half to get a little dirty," She says after grabbing a few things. (No wasps, bees, and hornets are attracted to water especially if it's a body of water with an odor because of their hyperactive sense of smell. Yes I looked it up) "How ironic, we just took a bath," I say sarcastically with a smirk, and LB sighs at me. "Just follow me," Taking the stuff and hiding in trash cans we make our way back to The Grand Palais where Queen Wasp was, and went straight to the rooftop.

"That's disgusting," We hear Queen Wasp and we use that as an indicator of where she is and throw the bins at her before charging. "You'll never get it back!" She shouts as Chat jumps on her and sticks the snorkel in her mouth while LB tied her yoyo to Queen Wasps's ankle and I kept the wasps at bay. We dive straight into the Seine river and we fight her underwater, Ladybug and I soon restrain her so Chat Noir can Cataclysm the bee miraculous as it broke into three pieces. We watch Queen Bee return before de-transforming into Chloé as she tightly held onto the broken comb. We get back on land and the whole process begins. "No more evil-doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha!"

Author: Before I forget and it's too late when we reach the point where Queen Bee has to be replaced do you guys want Zoé to be Chloé's sister/ half-sister or do you want her to be something else like a cousin or a separate person because I refuse for Zoé's existence only being there to replace Queen Bee and I wanna know what you guys want since I'll be adding to her personality and other surprises.

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