Chameleon: Part 2

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"What?!" They asked in unison so I explained a bit more. "Not just because of a weird feeling but remember when Adrien was pulled out of school for losing his dad's book? He didn't lose it, Lila stole it, and we both saw it so we wanted to make sure she wasn't gonna sell it but she used it to lie to Adrien about being a vixen superhero descendant." "Plus she said she's friends with Ladybug when she isn't. She lies with every breath." "Even if she did steal his book, eavesdropping on their conversation? That's not cool," Nino tells us and Alya asks if we had any proof that Lila wasn't friends with Ladybug.

Mari and I grumble under our breaths a bit, this is where the must keep our identities as heroes rule got annoying. "Ladybug called her out, ask Adrien," I say but Alya and Nino still give us unsure looks. "Fine, you want proof she's lying?" Mari says, crumpling up a napkin and soon calling out to Lila, "Hey Lila you forgot your napkin!" She throws the napkin and Lila catches it with ease, using the hand she claimed had a sprained wrist. "Ha! See she caught it, obviously, she doesn't have a sprained wrist," She points out and everyone turns to Lila for an explanation. Lila immediately drops the napkin and grabs her wrist in 'pain'. "Ow! Once when I was in India I saw someone get their eye gouged out by the corner of a napkin. If I hadn't caught it, the napkin could've hurt Max, I didn't have a choice," She groans in more fake pain as Max thanks her for the supposed save, while Mari and I give him and everyone a blank stare as the rest of the class glared at Marinette. (I'm so disappointed in this class especially you Max)

"Are you proud of yourself? Lila's in more pain now because of you-" "Now, now don't be mad, Marinette was just trying to give me a napkin, right Marinette?" Marinette angrily storms off as I approach the table and tell everyone. "I can't believe you guys actually believed that, there was no possible way that napkin could've hurt you, Max. If you look to where it was thrown it would've hit your chest, nowhere near your eye," I demonstrate and throw it at him where Mari had aimed and asked, "Are you hurt?" "No." "See? The napkin can't hurt you and even if it had been thrown at your face your glasses would've prevented it from coming near your eye not to mention explain how it can in this state gauge your eye out?" Max goes quiet and I sigh soon going after Mari to check on her.

"She's such a liar!" I hear her grumble as she looked in the mirror. Before I could say anything we hear the door open and look to see it was Lila giving us a concerned look. "Marinette? (y/n)? Are you crying?" "No, why would I be?" Mari steps back away from Lila with an annoyed look. "I can sense that both of you don't like me but I don't understand why we barely know each other. Don't tell me it's because of this new seating arrangement in class?" Marinette gives me an exasperated look as if silently asking me if Lila was being serious. "It is! Could it be you're jealous that I'm sitting next to Adrien because you have feelings for him too and (y/n) you want them to get together? You know what? It's not worth it to be fighting over a boy, let's be friends, I could even help set you up with Adrien."

I cross my arms and give her a really? look as I correct her. "Wrong. I don't care who Adrien dates as long as he's in a happy healthy relationship. We don't like you because all you ever do is lie to get your way with no regard for how it affects others." "We'll only ever be friends the day you stop lying to everyone Lila! We can't prove it but we know for a fact that you don't have Tinnitus, that your wrist is just fine, that you don't know Prince Ali because you've never stepped foot in the Kingdom of Achu and despite what you got Alya to write on The Ladyblog, you're not friends with Ladybug!" Mari chimes in.

Lila gives us a shocked look before a smirk creeps up on her face. "I only tell people what they wanna hear." "It's called lying," We yell at her in unison. "Well, it's not like there's anything you can do about it anyway. People can't resist when they hear what they like to hear. If neither of you wanna be my friend, fine. But soon you guys won't have any friends left at all and I'll make sure you never get close to Adrien in class or anywhere. You both seem a little less dumb than the others so I'll give you one last chance, you're either with me or against me," She threatens, backing the both of us against the wall. "You don't have to answer right away, I'll give you to the end of class today," Before I could ask if she was threatening us and remind her Adrien knows she's a liar too, she sashayed out of the bathroom with the flick of her hair.

Marinette lets out another growl before locking herself in a stall as she tells me, "I thought Chloé was evil but Lila really takes the whole cake. She's like a supervillain who doesn't need a costume!" "You mustn't let her get to you Marinette," Tikki tries to calm her down. "If we don't manage to expose her lies, she'll ruin not just mine but (y/n)'s life, she'll turn our friends against us, including Adrien," I hear her slam her fist angst the stall wall and I tell her. "Seriously Marinette you need to calm down, we'll take care of this, and remember, Adrien knows Lila is a liar there's no way she'd be able to get him to turn on us-" I cut myself off as out of the corner of my eye I see an akuma fly under the stall toward Mari.

"Marinette, akuma!" I shout and I hear her scream as she scrambles on top of the toilet to back away from the nasty bug. I look around for anything that could swing the butterfly away but at the same time, I wasn't sure if then I'd take the akuma and Hawkmoth would try to get to me again. "You can resist it Marinette, Hawkmoth's power only affects people who think there's no solution to their problems," Mari starts giving herself a pep talk for her self-esteem and we watch the akuma fly away and we both sigh in relief. If Marinette were akumatized, it'd be all over.

"We can't let the akuma run lose. Tikki Spots On!" "Flaake Freeze!" We transform and head to the roof, looking around the school when we overhear our friends below us. Adrien had gone up to Nino and started acting mean to him, catching our attention. "Nino, I have something to tell ya. You don't deserve my friendship, your girlfriend, or your cap. Haha, you should see your faces," He steals Nino's cap and jumps from the second floor to the first soon addressing everyone around. "Don't miss my performance at the Eiffel Tower, you're gonna love it."

"What?! Not Adrien!" Ladybug exclaims worriedly as we chase after the boy hopping over roofs. Don't akumatized people get like some outrageous look? I couldn't help but wonder when we watch Adrien hop in the middle of the street, causing a bus to swerve to try and avoid him which led him to drive toward a crosswalk where a mother and her baby were crossing.

Ladybug swoops in and grabs the mother and child while I throw my spear between two poles, stopping the bus in its tracks. Once making sure everyone was ok we headed toward the Eiffel Tower while I told LB my suspicions that who we were chasing might not be Adrien. When we get there Adrien was high up, teetering off the side with two balloons. "Woah! Help me, I'm losing my balance! I'm gonna fall!" Adrien calls to us before falling off, LB quickly swooping down and catching him.

I head down to the ground as the crowd cheers and I approach the two ready to jump into action if need be. "My princess charming, you saved my life!" He leans in for a kiss and Ladybug shoves him away while I pulled him away. We quickly jump back for some more distance as Ladybug said "You're not Adrien!" "You're right. I'm Chameleon. You're getting better at this, which is a good thing. It'll make this fight all the more interesting!"

Chameleon charges at Ladybug with a punch who dodges to the side before sending a kick that Chameleon ducks from. He goes in for another kiss when I bodyslam him away from Ladybug. I proceed to throw a punch at him that he blocks and redirects to the side. Ladybug runs up to try and kick him but he again ducks before trying to grab and kiss me. Grabbing his wrists I slam Chameleon onto the ground as Ladybug grabs Nino's hat confidently. "I know where you're akuma is Chameleon," She rips the hat and nothing happens. "Time to de-evili- huh?! But the akuma..." "Remember Ladybug that's Nino's hat that Chameleon stole after being akumatized," I start to explain before I'm kicked into Ladybug and we tumble to the ground. Getting up we growl to see Chameleon was gone.

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