Gigantitan: Part 1

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Author: I just wanna point out that Hawkmoth promised to not make a mistake again last episode but then immediately after makes the mistake of akumatizing a baby like bro how and why did you think this would work? And then keeps repeating the mistake by re-akumatizing August, Mr. Ramier, and Markov. Sorry but this is just the pinnacle of his stupidity except for just asking Ladybug to make a cure for his wife cuz you know there's no boundaries for the power of creation. I'll let you get back to the story now.

"Thanks for showing up girls. Check this out, I got the biggest scoop! But FYI it's super seriously hush-hush. It's top secret, classified information," Alya tells the girls. It was currently Saturday and Alya had told Alix, Mylène, Juleka, and Rose to come to Mari's house, it seems she and Marinette have decided to tell the girls about Mari's crush on Adrien. "You know who Ladybug is?" Alix asks excitedly and the other three gasp in shock. 

"No. But it's almost as hot. Marinette is-" "Wait Alya do you really think this is such a good idea?" Mari interrupts, face flushed red. "I don't think it is, I know it is. Just remember girls, your lips are sealed. Marinette is head over heels for somebody." "Yeah, Adrien," Alix cuts in with a smirk and everyone but Mari starts to laugh. "But how did you know?" "It's pretty obvious," Mylène says and Mari starts to freak out. "So does that mean Adrien knows too?" "No way boys rarely pick up on things like that. He would've said something by now otherwise," Rose reassures her.

"So let's get down to business. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to help set up a ridiculously romantic date between Marinette and Adrien," I slightly frown, please don't tell me this was another setup to get them together. Yes sure it was normal for friends to do that but usually, Alya's and Marinette's plans were over dramatic and very complicated. The other girls agree to help but I hold off deciding to wait till I hear the actual plan they had. "Alya and I have come up with a plan. It's called Operation Secret Garden," She pulls down a map of The Palais de Chaillot and I groan. Yep, this already sounded like an over-complicated stalkerish plan that no sane person would actually do.

"Excuse me but why do we need this kinda plan, can't we just get them alone and Marinette can ask Adrien out?" Mylène asks and I smile at her, glad she sees the problem with this, everyone else laughs, I mean the problem with that was evident too. "Seriously Mylène? This is Marinette we're talking about here. While she's befriended him to the point she can talk normally around him now when it comes to confessing or asking him out she defaults back into a stuttering mess. Now each one of you will have a code name based on a flower. Alix is violet, Mylène is sunflower, Juleka is Rose,  Rose will be tulip, I'm tiger lily, and (y/n) is-" 

"Not going to be a part of this plan until I hear the entirety of it," I cross my arms but before Alya could respond Rose asks "Um why isn't my code name Rose?" "Because Rose is your real name. It won't be a code name if we call you Rose," Marinette explains and Rose taps her chin in thought, I don't think she was getting it.

"This afternoon 'Buttercup' has a photo shoot at the  Trocadéro fountains. His security guard a.k.a. the 'nanny' will be waiting for him in the car on the other side of the esplanade. He's supposed to take 'Buttercup' back home after the photo shoot. Except that's not gonna happen, this is where you guys come in. Step one: Rose will have a fake no parking sign, she'll go over to-" "Who's Rose again?" Mylène interrupts as I facepalm, this plan was starting out with something probably illegal.

"Me of course," Rose gestures to herself, and Alya shakes her head. "No Rose, it's Juleka. You're tulip," She then reminds the four which flower they are again. Yeah, Rose wasn't getting this if they were gonna go through with this then they should use something else for codenames than flowers.

 "Step one: Rose, you put the fake sign next to the 'nanny's' chariot. Step two: Sunflower you'll go find a police officer and say to him: Hello Mr. Police officer oh look! That car's parked illegally!" "Well, you don't say? I shall enforce the law right this second. Thank you, young lady," Alya says in a deeper voice to represent a cop. "Step three: No more 'nanny' and Tigerlily will let us know when Buttercup is done with his shoot. Step four: When Adrien goes to meet up with his nanny he's gonna find Lotus."

"Except when 'Buttercup' see the chariot's gone he'll just text his 'nanny' won't he?" Alix asks, air quoting the code names for the two, and Marinette chuckles. "Impossible 'Buttercup' always leaves all his personal items in the car during a photo shoot, even his phone. Such a professional ~" She sighs out and based on the look Aix was giving her, she understood at least one of the problems. 

"She knows everything about Adrien. Creep no?" Alix whispers to the rest of us but it seems Alya had already convinced Ros to be a die-hard Adrienette shipper. "I know it's so romantic!" I lean toward Alix and whisper "Yeah it is not to mention how complicated, unethical, and illegal this plan is. Making a fake road sign, framing Adrien's bodyguard for a crime he didn't commit, and stalking Adrien. I recommend not partaking in the plan or going for the part that will get you in the least trouble," I suggest knowing that the four were still probably gonna help.

Mylène and Juleka were too introverted to say no to helping, Rose was already a die-hard Adrienette shipper and therefore didn't see the problems, and Alix well she's probably still gonna help because she already promised she would.

Aya and Marinette continue to do their little scenario. "Hey Marinette, what are you doing here? What an incredible crazy coincidence," Alya imitates Adrien. "This is where tulip springs into action. You give the signal to the rickshaw driver to come and park in the nanny's spot then all I need to do is say to Adrien-"  " Bdi-di-di-di, di-di-di-di, di-di-di-di-di-di-di-dii!" Alix interrupts with a silly expression and everyone but Mari laughs.

"That's how it usually goes." Alya laughs out. "But this time I'm ready, I've got you guys with me. I'm gonna do it! So I say to him: Hm your car doesn't seem to be here. If you have time we can go out on a date, hey look! What a co-inky-dink! There's a rickshaw right here! Let's go for a ride."

"Awesome idea Marinette, I've always dreamed of going on a rickshaw with you," Alya imitates Adrien again before Mari explains what happens next. "We take a really romantic ride along the banks of the Seine and over the Ponts des Arts bridge, where we just happen to run into André the sweetheart's ice cream maker. Then violet skates by showers us with rose pedals. It's gonna be perfect."

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