Riposte: Part 2

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"I request that we duel the old-fashioned way. We'll be much more at ease without the machine," The mysterious person in red suggests. "Fine with me," Adrien shrugs and they unlatch themselves from the machine. "How are we supposed to know who touched the other one first?" "By watching very carefully," I decided to pull my phone out and record just in case no one could tell who won, nobody wanted to be stuck here all day trying to find the winner.

"En garde! Prêt... Allez!" D'Argencourt shouts and the match begins and the two sabers clash, both going so fast it was hard to pinpoint the moves. They start moving up the stairs. The one in red hopping over the railing to get to the second floor. "Is this what fencing is all about?" Mari asks, D'Argencourt soon getting all fired up. "Part le fer! This IS what fencing's all about!" We all rush to the base of the stairs to continue watching the fight as Adrien gets backed into the railing. "Is that all you can do?" Adrien shoves them aside and they make way to the library. The rest of us following. They burst into the library and Marinette and I are the only ones to reach the library due to a cart flying out and stopping everyone else. They continue to fence until finally, they both hit each other though it was unclear who hit who first.

Adrien and the person in red stare at us. "Who got the first hit? Who?!" "I abstain, I was too busy recording just in case nobody was sure," I explain and all eyes fall on Marinette as D'Argencourt pleads at her to tell us who got the first hit. "I dunno, I think it was...Adrien?" She questionably answers as if she wasn't sure herself. "Aha! Wonderful! This victory is an honor at D'Argencourt academy," D'Argencourt boasts, the person in red sighs, shakes Adrien's hand, stabs the floor with their saber, and leaves.

"Are you sure Marinette?" Adrien asks taking off his helmet and she starts babbling about how she wasn't sure herself. "I think he touched me first." "I did record the entire fight, I can send it to Alya and have her see if she can determine who the winner was," I offer, and D'Argencourt nods. "If your friend can do that I'll allow it but until then the referee has the last word."

"Then we have to tell them and then we can have a decisive match," Adrien exclaims grabbing the red saber and taking off after his opponent and I follow. "Hey, wait! Your saber!" Adrien calls out to them as we approach them. They were taking off their fencing gear and throwing them into the red car in front. They take off their mask to reveal a teenage girl about our age. She was absolutely beautiful with her ebony black bob-cut hair, slanted vermillion eyes with dusted light-brown freckles on her cheeks. It seems even Adrien was taken aback by her beauty. "L-let's do a decisive...Rematch?" He offers looking down at her ring, it had a family emblem on it.

"What's the point? You won, there's no such thing as a second chance in my family. Goodbye," She gets in the car and it drives off, Adrien hops into his car and it starts to follow her's. That's when I see it an akuma flying right passed me it must be going after that girl! Marinette comes running down and drags me down into the subway station. "Better capture it before it turns someone into a villain."

We both transform and take off after the akuma, let's hope we can get there in time to save the fencer. When we get there it was too late, she had been akumatized, she was silver with a samurai-looking helmet and shoulder pads with a long saber that even covered her hand! She currently had Adrien cornered as he continued to refuse to fight her in this state, I don't blame him. Ladybug throws her yoyo which wraps around the saber, catching both their attention. "How'd you like to start a duel with us?" She tugs and her yoyo slides off, LB and I realized that her saber was merged to her hand.

Riposte takes this chance to slice the ad stand we were standing on while we jump back. "Give me a moment Adrien, I must finish these two off first but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you, I won't be long," She charges at us and we spin our weapons while running back, Adrien soon shouting "Don't let her close in on you, fight back!" He tosses over the saber to Ladybug who catches it. 

"Thank you but now get out of here," She says before grumbling under her breath "She doesn't deserve you," We start exchanging blows, Ladybug soon being knocked back. "Ladybug!" I call out when Adrien dives in, rolling LB out of the way, hurting his ankle in the process. "Are you hurt?" I ask running over. "I'm fine," He says, LB soon chiming in "I've gotta get you out of here away from that girl as far away as possible," She pulls him close and the two start to blush I sigh and yell at them to go as my attention turns to Riposte who had freed herself from the ground. Riposte goes for LB but I block her attack, feigning hurt. "Don't tell me you forgot about me?" She growls and our weapons clash when she gets the drop on me and I'm thrown into a building. "Ow..." I grumble as Riposte takes off and so do I.

Riposte manages to find them and destroys the wall they were hiding behind. Allow me to explain the rules to you. You're not allowed to call it quits at any time! Adrien is mine! I will defeat all three of you, I am the best fencer!" "Nobody's denying that. My friend Marinette made a bad call earlier," Adrien exclaims. "He's right, referee errors can happen in fencing. You don't have to get so bent out of shape about it."

"From what I hear someone was recording it and is having it analyzed to see who won, I'm betting you did," I say, hand on hip, and Riposte growls. "I'm sure Marinette wasn't trying to humiliate you." "Of course not!" LB shouts before correcting herself. "I mean, I'm sure that was the case." "It's too late! The damage has been done, and this time I shall be the referee!" She makes a move so Ladybug and I do as well while Adrien makes his escape. Having had enough LB uses her yoyo to break an upper wall apart, letting the rubble topple onto Riposte and we go looking for Adrien.

"Adrien! You ok?" LB asks worriedly and the blonde nods. "You too?" "I'll feel better once you're safe far from that girl. Come on, let's go," She pulls him in close, more blushing, and we take off after clearing my throat as a reminder there was no time for their obvious to everyone else crushes on each other. We head toward the Louvre and order to evacuate the area. 

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