Feast: Part 4

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"Move!" I shout, pushing Chat out of the way as the tongue comes shooting forward, grabbing the bus Master Fu and Ladybug were behind. LB proceeds to throw her yoyo, grabbing us both and wraps the three of us close together. "M'lady I'm flattered but-" Chat starts to say when she asks, "Ready to get the staff back?" We look at the sentimonster and our faces drop as both Chat and I groan "Oh no..." LB smirks while Chat frowns at her and I shirk away from the tongue as much as I could before the three of us were swallowed.

We appear in a blue space filled with bubbles holding everything the sentimonster has swallowed when Chat spots his staff. "My staff!" Grabbing the bubble he pops it to get his staff back but it just turns into more bubbles. "Is it digesting everything this way?" I ask curiously and Ladybug says, "Everything it swallows gets sealed here forever." "In that case, we better find out where the master's staff is hiding," Chat says as we begin looking around for the staff.

"I knew it! the staff had to be intact or the sentimonster wouldn't exist," Ladybug exclaims as we float up to the old staff. "Careful what you wish for," Chat snickers before summoning his cataclysm and destroying the staff. The place pops in a bunch of bubbles and we hear screaming. Looking up we see the Parisians that were eaten by the sentimonster along with all the stuff it ate. Summoning my power I create a safe ice slide for the people to get down safely and more slides for the stuff so they wouldn't cause too much damage while Ladybug dealt with the akuma and amok. 

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" We hear for the billionth time as everything reverts back to normal and the four of us pound it. "Thank you, because of you three, I won't have to run anymore," Our miraculous starts beeping and flashing and we wave goodbye to Master Fu. Once back home I see I had a text from Adrien asking what we were gonna do, we knew each other's identities. I text back telling for tonight at least we shouldn't worry about it, tonight was eventful enough but tomorrow we'll go explain things to Fu.

The next day we were met with a shocking discovery on the news. "Don't be bemused it's just the news. It's extraordinary and inexplicable. This sums up the surprising re-appearance of this temple in the Tibetan mountains 172 years after it was destroyed. We're going to Clara on location." "Thanks, Nadja but what makes this strange phenomenon particularly unexplainable is that all the monks who used to live in the temple are also there," The news reports and Fu lets out a sigh of relief. "So my mistakes have been undone, the monks are freed and the temple has been restored. I can't thank you two and Chat Noir enough. I'm finally free from the burden of the past that has been haunting me for so long. I'll visit them one day and explain everything. But for now, the time has come for me to prepare you three to become the next guardians of the miraculous."

"But Master, you're the guardian," Mari starts to protest. "You have been for 172 years." "Precisely and it's high time I handed it over, the three of you have proven more worthy of it than I am. In fact, your training starts right now. You will spend the next 24 hours meditating with the miracle box without any food or water," I give him a blank stare and just flat out tell him, "No," He lets out a laugh while Mari stumbles with an excuse. "I was joking, those strict traditions did no good when I was your age, I don't plan to continue them. Instead, help me carry these boxes to my van."

We agree to that and he puts on a fake mustache. "Now that Hawkmoth knows who I am, it's too dangerous for me to live here but don't worry, whenever I'm needed, I'll always be here. I'm not going anywhere until Hawkmoth is defeated and will never leave." (coughs in season finale) "Master Fu before you go, there's something I need to tell you in private," I say, giving a look to Marinette to head home without me. "Oh, ok," She shrugs and walks away and Master Fu turns his attention toward me. "What is it (y/n)?" "Last night after you took our miraculous, I came back here and I learned Adrien is Chat Noir and he knows I'm (s/n). He's on his way over now," Fu's eyes widen like saucers as he mutters about this being big news. Once Adrien arrived he started apologizing to Fu explaining how he rushed into the room without thinking that Ladybug and I might come to his place in our confusion as well.  "No Adrien, it's my fault, I came here thinking you would so you could know the situation without thinking of hiding my identity first so considering that I ask of you not to take Chat Noir's miraculous away from him, you can take mine, I broke the rules but considering how dangerous it's gotten with Hawkmoth now that he knows you, Ladybug at least needs one partner that's been with her since the beginning and it should be Chat Noir."

I tell them, hoping that Master Fu would agree when he gives me a reassuring smile. "At ease (y/n), I won't be taking either of your miraculous away." "But the rules, we aren't supposed to know each other's identities," Adrien points out, confusion written on his face. "Yes but considering you two found out each other's identities because I wouldn't trust you three to deal with the sentimonster it's my fault your identities were revealed so I won't punish either of you by taking away your miraculous and who knows? There could be some benefits to you two knowing each other's identities just be more careful while moving forward."

He tells us and we both let out a sigh of relief and Adrien gives me a smile. "I'm just happy, I have a good friend as one of my partners," I return the smile and nod. "Me too," Adrien heads out and I ask Master Fu, "Are you sure it's ok for me to know both Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities? What if I get akumatized again?" "I have full trust that you won't get akumatized again and as I said there might be some benefits to knowing their identities just don't tell Marinette or Adrien you know both of their identities but if it makes you feel better I've been looking over the grimoire and it looks like there might be a way to prevent from being akumatized." "Really? In which case please Master, let me help study the grimoire and the miraculous, I've realized I've been too complacent with my search for the miraculous and I'd like to fix that by learning everything I can about the miraculous." "Of course (y/n), I could use all the help I can get."

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