Zombizou: Part 1

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Today was Ms. Bustier's birthday and the class was in the locker room telling each other what they each had gotten for her. "I made her a scrapbook!" Rose excitedly exclaims when Marinette comes bursting in, out of breath. "Let me guess, you just finished your gift?" I ask Mari as I say a quick see ya to Rose and Juleka before turning my attention to Mari. "Yeah, I hope Ms. Bustier likes it." "Everyone hopes she likes their gift. Everyone went above and beyond, Nathan drew her as a superhero, Mylène got her a braid of hair," Alya exclaims and Mari frowns. "Compared to all those gifts, mine is gonna be super lame."

"Don't worry Marinette, there's no pressure," Alya reassures her when Adrien walks up. "Hey Marinette, is that a gift for Ms. Bustier? What did you get her? I'm sure you've come up with something awesome as usual," Mari gives him a small smile, her cheeks flushing pink. "Me? Oh, it's really nothing at all, see?" She opens the box to reveal a small pink makeup back with black lettering on it which she read aloud.

"If we wish to change the world we must all learn to love each other. It's one of the first things she taught us when we met her. I always keep it in mind," Everyone awws, they all had crowded around to see the gift. "I also added this tube of lip balm, it's Ms. Bustier's favorite color." "You know now that I think of it, Ms. Bustier's probably the reason we all get along so awesomely," Alya points, and Adrien nods. "I'm so lucky to get a teacher like her for my first year in school. Let me guess, you wrote her a song (y/n)?" "No actually, with some help from Luka, I made her this, she said she's been wanting to get one for a while now," I answer, pulling out the small instrument. It was a kalimba, not a widely known instrument but a beautiful one to play, it had several intricate designs of flowers and a few animals designed onto the wood. It was very beautiful.

"Also got her a handbook for it, a tuner, a cloth to clean it, and some thumb wear for when she starts practicing." "That's so sweet," Rose squeals when we all hear Chloé letting out a huff, the attention soon turning to her. "What about you Chloé? What did you get Ms. Bustier?" Chloé's eyes widen as if she just recalled today was Ms. Bustier's birthday and looks around nervously. "Nothing, just like every year since kindergarten," Mari drolls out, earning her a glare. Sabrina speaks up. "It's not her fault ok? Chloé just struggles to remember birthdays. Just like her mom," Sharing a little too much Sabrina.

"Yeah well, you don't have to tell them my life story either. Anyway, all that stuff about compliments and love is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." "This girl's got no heart," Marinette whispers yet somehow Chloé manages to hear her. "Of course, I have a heart, Daddy will even buy me a second one if I want," Before an argument could start the bell rings and we all head out, Marinette slamming her locker door closed after putting her gift inside.

The day proceeded to go on as usual when finally it was time for Ms. Bustier's class and we all excitedly grab our presents for her. "This is gonna be her best birthday ever," Mari exclaims excitedly as we all enter in, place the gifts on her desk, and wish her a happy birthday. "Oh thank you, you're all so sweet," Ms. Bustier thanked us before she went for the first present: Marinette's. She pulls out the bag and gives it a funny look. Confused Mari walks up and gasps before showing the class that the gift had been vandalized with a permanent marker. The quote was scribbled out and there was a drawing mocking Marinette. "I know you did this Chloé Bourgeois!" "A 99.946% certainty." "So uncool Chloé." "Seriously lame!" The class started shouting at Chloé.

"Calm down, we don't want to get upset on my birthday now do we? Well, I think this present is wonderful. It'll be my new cosmetics bag to go. Then I'll be able to think of both of you every time I use it," Ms. Bustier states, trying to mediate the situation. "What? Please tell me you're not gonna let her get away with this!" Mari pleads and the class agrees, shouting out how Chloé was worse than Hawkmoth and how she was the reason behind most akumatizations. "Students, please calm down. The classroom is not a place for insults and defamation. Marinette, come with me, please. (y/n), I'm leaving you in charge of the class, could you please hand out this morning's exercise?" I nod and they both head out of the classroom.

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