Riposte: Part 1

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I rummage around the locker room trying to find the right-sized helmet for Marinette she had decided a week ago she would join the fencing club as a way to get closer to Adrien. "This fencing gear really suits you Marinette," Tikki comments. "Thank you, Tikki. Let's hope wielding a saber is easier than finding a helmet that fits," Marinette comments, trying on yet another helmet.

"I've gotta ace these tryouts D'Argencourt is the most prestigious fencing academy in all of Paris and I only have this one shot to show them what I've got and get onto the team." "You've been reviewing the fencing rules all week it's going to be great," Tikki encourages Marinette who nods in determination. "I'm going to make quite the impression on Adrien," Mari says, slamming the helmet on the table, causing the rest to topple off and she tries to catch them all. "This one should fit," Once ready we head on out and I stand off to the side to watch.

"I am the fencing master D'Argencourt as I'm sure you're aware we only have one open spot on the team this year so in order to select the best possible candidate I will observe the beginners perform a number of attacks on experienced students," D'Argencourt explains and the students start to pear up except Marinette who was, of course, looking around for Adrien. He approaches her and she somehow doesn't recognize him, causing me to stifle my laughter. "Are you looking for someone?" "Yeah, I thought Adrien would be here, you know a boy this tall, blonde, nice, super handsome," He lifts up his helmet and gives her a smile. "Thanks for the compliments. I didn't know you were into fencing, Marinette," Cue the stuttering although now that she's hung out with him more and more, she's gotten better at talking to him, only really stutters when she's flustered on trying to ask him out.

"A-A-Adrien! Nice to see you, yeah I just recently got into it," He giggles, and D'Argencourt orders everyone into position. Marinette gets into position and Adrien gets in close to her to adjust any mistakes she had made while getting into position. "Greet each other! En garde! Prêt, allez!"  Everyone else started fencing except Mari and Adrien, she was just standing still as if she forgot how to fence.

"Go on Marinette, you're supposed to touch me," She still just stands in her spot. "Uh...I think I forgot how to-" She doesn't get to finish her sentence as Adrien lunges at her and they finally start. The point goes to Marinette. "Thanks." "All I did was lunge, you've got good reflexes. En garde!" Once again the point goes to Marinette. Honestly, she was doing better than I expected. "But you hit me first," Marinette says, confusion in her eyes. "In saber fencing, the attacker doesn't necessarily win the point even though the attacker touched their opponent first. You took the initiative so we say that you had the priority. I could only parry your riposte so I lose."

"But everything is happening so fast how can you know who won the point?" "We don't always know for sure so you can always abstain," They go for another round but stop when everyone hears a voice call out to D'Argencourt. "Hey, you! Are you Mr. D'Argencourt? The fencing master?" Everyone turns to see someone in a red fencing suit standing on the scoring box. "I wanna join your team!"

"Only the best are admitted here, you knave." "And I was, everywhere I went," They exclaim spinning their saber for a moment. "Part le fer! This whippersnapper has nerve. Alright! I may consider your admission shall you defeat one of my students," D'Argencourt gestures to his students and the mysterious fencer asks "Which one of you is the best combatant?" The entire team turns toward Adrien. "Adrien, please give our visitor a lesson in chivalry," They get set up at the scoring box, the mysterious fencer doing a quick little warm-up, and Marinette sighs.

"Great there goes any chance of me joining the team, this guy's obviously better than everyone." "It's not over yet Marinette, they still have to beat Adrien," I point out, D'Argencourt soon starting the match. The two lunge at each other and both their buzzers go off. "Simultané! Par un toucher!"

"Coulda sworn Adrien touched him first," Mari mumbles and one of the students corrects her. "We can't be too sure but you never question the referee's decision," The second match starts and saber hits saber before once again a buzzer goes off. D'Argencourt looks between the two with a confused look and abstains. "What's happening?" "Mr. D'Argencourt isn't sure who won so he's chosen to abstain, this is a tight bout."

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