Oblivio: Part 3

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We both transform into Ladybug and (s/n) and Adrien stares in awe at us. "You two look so cool." "Thanks but I don't feel like a superhero at all," Ladybug says, looking herself over. "You've already proven you are one with or without a costume," Adrien compliments making Ladybug blush before I nudge her and she gets back on track, using her yoyo as a phone and I do the same with my kunai knives, I know the answer is magic but how did this even work? Pulling up the user's manual we start reading through some stuff when LB questions something and her yoyo does something. "One-time power Lucky Charm," She throws the yoyo away and a teapot appears. 

"What am I supposed to do with this, make tea?" She asks and I tap my chin in thought. "Maybe it's supposed to help you in some way, what does your user's guide say?" I point out, making a mental note not to say my one-time power out loud when reading about it. She reads through it and smiles. "You're right, it's one part of a solution I just need to find the solution." "Don't worry, I believe in you, you got this," Adrien gives a small pep talk and we take a breath before heading out. "Wait! I wanna fight beside you two. If we're a team then we'll be stronger together," Adrien says picking something up to act as a weapon. "You can't without Plagg, it's too risky," I say when Ladybug grabs his hand and kisses him on the cheek stating, "More importantly, I don't want anything to happen to you because I'm starting to understand how much you mean to me, Adrien. Please stay here, Ladybug, and (s/n) is here to protect," With that, we head on up as I read and allowed some of the things in the user's guide that she had to so we could both learn in one go.

"The miraculous enhances all physical abilities and gives you skills you might not have in everyday life such as agility. How handy," I comment when we reach the roof and we start spinning our weapons to use as some form of a shield as we look for Oblivio. We hear shots and move out of the way, soon spotting Oblivio as we jumped and flipped out of the way. Man, this was fun! Oblivio chases us forcing Ladybug to swing me and her around the building before landing on the roof again.

We continue to run when LB gets tripped up in her yoyo's wire and I jump in front of her to protect her while Oblivio laughed. "You've forgotten your reflexes Ladybug. We're gonna make sure you forget everything else including your miraculous," That's when something connects with the back of Oblivio's head and we all turn to see Adrien in a cardboard Chat Noir costume, what does this dummy think he's doing?! Ladybug and I stare at him worriedly as he scolds Oblivio. "Attacking a lady on the ground? Did you forget your manners?" Oblivio attacks Adrien who somehow manages to block and dodge a few shots before LB intervenes with her yoyo, pulling Addrien towards us as we hide. 

"So can I be of help in any way?" We hear Plagg ask as he flies up. "Plagg?" "Plagg? That's my name Plagg?" "Yeah, and you got here just in time. Plagg Claws Out!" We watch Adrien transform into Chat Noir and he comments how that was pretty cool before I drag the two out of the way of a shot stating, "Very cool just don't lose your memory again," We get out of the corner and start blocking Oblivio's attacks again while Chat Noir reads up on his abilities. "Superpower Cata-" "Stop it'll be triggered if said out loud." "It can only be used once?" "Same as mine and Ladybug's. What's yours do? Mine lets me use ice however I want and Ladybug's is yeah." "I can destroy anything I touch." "Then stay away from me if you don't mind." "Not gonna be easy M-M'lady," Chat says before jumping over us to attack Oblivio. His staff goes right through him.

"Seems you've already forgotten about your last defeat but then again of course, you forgot," Oblivio mocks as they target Chat Noir who runs back behind us. "We won't be able to attack them until they stop firing at us," He says, and Ladybug gasps. "That's it! The left hand is different from the rest of his body. That must be where the akuma is hiding!" Chat and I give her matching confused looks. The what now? "Alright, I have no idea what the hakuna matata is but I trust you, what's the plan?" (hakuna matata~ It means no worries for the rest of your days~ It's our problem-free philosophy~ hakuna matata~) "Can you two get him to forget about me?"

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