Luka Chapter Seventeen

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I sit on my bed, playing my guitar, practicing my next song for class when I hear my phone ping, quickly finish the last note, I set my guitar to the side and see it was a text from (y/n). She was asking me to be her date to a party tonight.

     Y/n 3:10 PM

Hey, there's a party tonight

   and I was wondering do you wanna go with me?

                                                                                                                                                                            Luka 3:12 PM

                                                                                                         Yeah, sounds fun. I'd be happy to go with you.

I get the details from (y/n) and continue to practice till it was time to go, heading to the hotel, I meet up with (y/n) and her friends, and just wow...She looked so beautiful tonight, I can't help but compliment her.  "You look beautiful tonight (y/n)," She responds with a smile and nervously grabs my hand to lead me inside, Chloé had quite the setup here, it wasn't long before Chloé herself showed up to say hello, creating a funny scene. After saying our hellos we get into the swing of the party and start to have fun, playing video games, party games, dancing, and snacking. 

During our break from dancing, we head on over to (y/n)'s friends to chat. "This BFF act she's doing is only a big charade. She's just doing it to please Adrien," Marinette scoffs, and Alya snickers out "Ahem, how funny that reminds me of a girl who didn't want to go to a party until she heard Adrien would be there." "Please don't compare me to Chloé," We start talking when (y/n) gets my attention, turning toward her I'm met with a balloon in my face as she shouted "Balloon fight!"

Grabbing the balloon off the floor I give her a look that read 'it was so on' and begin chasing her around with the balloon but when I finally had her cornered and threw the balloon, it didn't even reach her feet. Staring at the balloon in disappointment muttering "Oh come on..." (y/n) laughs and I take the chance to hit her with the balloon and she starts chasing me when a slow dance song comes, we stop what we were doing and I offer my hand out to her. "Would you like to dance?" She smiled and nos, taking my hand as I lead her to the dancefloor and we start slow dancing. During the dance (y/n)'s attention turns to two of her friends, Marinette and Adrien who were slow dancing as well and we watch as Alya spins around them to change their hand placement, causing (y/n) to chuckle. "Did she just do that?" I nod but it wasn't long before she did the same thing to us, leaving (y/n) stuttering. 

"D-did she just...?" I smirk and pull her in closer and continue to dance like that till  Chloé started yelling. "I'm not letting her dance with Adrien under my roof!" We stop and watch her march over to the two before her butler intercepts her. "If I may sam Mademoiselle, you should-" "Move Jean-Jacques!" That's when the butler pulls out a yellow teddy bear and speaks in a different voice, catching everyone's attention. "Oh please Chloé dear, you've been such a good girl. Mr. Cuddly is so very proud of you!" Yikes, that's embarrassing...

Chloé quickly shoves the bear out of sight but it was too late. "Is that your teddy bear Chloé?" Kim asks and most people laugh, her face red with anger Chloé drags the butler off into the kitchen. "Well that wasn't very cool using that bear to manipulate Chloé like that," I point out with a frown, and (y/n) makes a good point. "I kind off get it though, she threw this party the keep her friendship with Adrien and she's been struggling to be nice all night, that bear was probably the only way that butler could convince her to be nice but out in the open like that? He should've known she'd be humiliated like that..." The song ends and we go back to dancing normally till Chloé started making another commotion. Sabrina seemed to really want to brush Chloé's hair even after she said no. She ends up hiding behind Kim. "If you touch one hair on Chloé's head you'll have to answer to me."

"I'll be back, I gotta use the restroom," (y/n) quickly tells me before running off, I don't get to think about it for too long since Kim started to take Chloé for a spin till the heroes intervened. Turns out that the butler with the teddy bear was akumatized and was controlling people by grabbing onto their ankles and unfortunately I was taken hostage by it, he seemed to control my body, all I could do was watch as I threw chairs at the heroes. Resulting in Ladybug knocking me over with her yoyo and Despair Bear escapes. "Ow," I grumble as I sit up, I'm glad (y/n)'s not here to through this. 

My attention soon turns to Ivan as he starts throwing tables when Chat stopped him but the next victim of Despair Bear was (s/n) who had grabbed Ladybug's wrist and made a grab for her earrings. Ladybug restrains her but quickly has to dodge (s/n)'s power when Chloé of all people throws (s/n) away from Ladybug before pointing out her good deed.

"Hey, I was really nice just then. Did you all see?" We all sigh with a facepalm as she pouts while the heroes run up to the roof, Chloé chasing after them. Me and a few other people make sure everyone else was ok. My eyes soon lit up to see (y/n) when she approaches me. I explain to her what happens and she gets angry, making me smile as I tell her "You're so adorable when you're mad,". Not surprisingly she gets flustered making me smile more, she was just so beautiful. A few minutes later and in comes Tom, holding a bunch of supplies, it turns out Chloé had called Tom over to finish the baking lesson so for the last bit of the party we baked and taste tested all of our macaroons. "Great job kids, you've done some really good work," Tom compliments us all as he takes a bite of a macaroon, though it wasn't long before Chloé started insulting everyone's macarons, earning her a bowl over her head.

(y/n) places her macaroons on the table and I grab one, they were delicious, even my favorite flavor of macaroons, they were so good I had to tell her how good they were. So leaning in close I whisper Best macaroons I've ever had." "T-thank you," She stutters out. The party ends about thirty minutes later and I walk home with Juleka. "You and (y/n) seem to be getting closer and closer, has she asked you out yet?" She asks and I shake my head. "No but I think we're getting there, it seems she's just starting to accept how she feels," My sister nods soon mumbling "You two will make the cutest couple."

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