Luka Chapter Nineteen

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"Have a good day sir!" I wave goodbye to the sir I just delivered my last pizza to and check my phone, my shift was over. I start to ride back home when I spot the Dupain-Cheng's bakery and I stop as (y/n) comes to mind. That's when my stomach growls, it was lunchtime. I head inside the bakery and say hello to Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. "Is (y/n) here?" "Sory Luka, you just missed her and the girls, they went to The Palais de Chaillot."

Mrs. Dupian-Cheng answers with that sweet smile of hers and I nod, ordering a few croissants to go and head to The Palais de Chaillot. When I get there I walk around spotting a few of (y/n)'s friends, including my sister. What exactly where they doing? Based on the seriousness in their faces I decide not to interrupt what they were doing and continue my search. I find her sitting on the stairway writing in her music journal.

She takes instant notice of me when I sit next her and questions what I was doing here. "I went to the bakery to see if you wanted to go eat lunch with me but I was told you were here. What are you up to? Writing a new song?" I explain asking my own question

Yeah while listening to the girls go through with their plan to set up Marinette with her crush." "Oh? What are they doing?" "A very complicated plan, you wanna listen in?" I'm offered an earpiece and curious to know what they were doing I take it and start to listen in, pulling out my own sketchbook filled designs for different instruments I planned to make.

I was currently sketching out a violin when (y/n) takes notice. "I didn't know you could draw." "Not really, this is more of the start of a blueprint to the next instrument I plan to make." "You make instruments?" "Yeah, it's what I wanna do once I'm finished with school," I explain with a smile, not many people took interest in hearing my dream for the future because they found it boring so having (y/n) taking an interest in it is a refreshing change then just talking about with Juleka and mom.

"That's awesome, have you already made your first instrument?" "Yes, it was a guitar, it took me two years to make but I think it was worth it," She gives me a smile and opens her mouth to ask a question when we both cover our ears as Mari's voice blasted in ours for Rose to go.

"Me?" Rose questions and we hear Alya sigh out "No! The other rose!" We hear Juleka chuckle before hearing her mumble "Guys I got a problem." "Rose?" "Yeah what?" "There's a problem, it's stuck in the grate," I give (y/n) a questioning look, silently asking what was going on. "She transporting a no parking sign. I'm guessing whatever she was using to move it got stuck in the grate," I nod in understanding but still felt pretty confused, why was she doing this?

Whatever their plan was kept having hiccups as Mylène had to help Juleka carry the sign, and getting the police officer's attention. My sister did it by using her voice and I smile in pride for her as whatever the plan was continued. (y/n) moves to get up and I look up from my sketchbook to see a mother who had just gotten her baby stroller up the stairs, (y/n) sits back down but keeps any eye on the mother, she was most likely going to come up the stairs we were on as well. I also keep an eye on her just in case she needed more than just (y/n)'s help.

Tuning back into what the girls were doing it seemed the plan had gone south but they managed to bring it back on track. "This is a very weird and complicated plan," Luka comments, brushing away some eraser bits. "You have no idea how true that statement is," (y/n) tells me before running down the steps to help the lady.

When they reach the top of the steps the baby drops his bottle, I get up to grab it when Marinette rushes past me exclaiming "I got it!" I look up at the top of the steps to see (y/n) staring at something, confused I walk up and my eyes widen. An akuma! It ended up akumatizing the baby, just wow...I grab (y/n) and take her inside one of the building with the instruction to stay inside, I was gonna head back out to collect my sister and they're friends.

I run outside to see the baby was just looking for a lollipop and I give him a blank stare. It wasn't for the baby but for Hawkmoth, just again wow, targeting a child for a sweet craving. I see Mylène grab Alya and run around the corner of the entrance so I sneak around the baby and follow them to see everyone but Marinette was with them. 

"Girls where is lotus?" Rose asks earning her a bunch of confused stares. "Marinette! Where is she?!" "She might be with (y/n) I hid her in that building maybe Marinette went in as well, come on," I start leading the group to the building when the baby turns around and spots us, making a grab for us. Understandably we all run away and thankfully Chat Noir gets the baby off our tails. While the heroes dealt with the akumatized victim near the lake we start searching for Marinette and (y/n).

"Look, Ladybug and (s/n) are in  trouble!" Alya exclaims pointing toward the fight. "We have to help," I look around and notice the abandoned rickshaw and fake road sign. "I have an idea grab that and get on!" They get in and we race to Ladybug and (s/n)'s aid.

The baby starts chasing us and I pedal as fast as I can around the river, giving the heroes time to think of a plan. But it wasn't long till I was getting to tired to pedal. "Girls, I can't do it anymore. Run!" We all jump off the rickshaw ride and hide while the baby is taken care of. We meet back up at the entrance and start talking about where to find (y/n) and Marinette when the two call out to us while running up to us. One group hug later the girls start talking about how Mari's date with Adrien was a failure. That's when Adrien is spotted and they start talking about their plan again when Marinette stops them. "No. No more complicated plans. Sometimes it's best to just get straight to the point," She has the rest of us hide and runs up to Adrien calling out to him. "Hey, Adrien!" "Hey Marinette, what are you doing here?" The girls start whispering to each other asking if she was gonna do it or not.

"I come here often to do some sketching. I can't believe we ran into each other, what are you doing here?" Mari answers showing him her sketchbook before sending the question back to him. "I had a photoshoot here. Too bad we didn't see each other earlier we could've hung out," He says about to turn toward his ride when Marinette starts to ask him out on a date but was interrupted by his ride honking the horn. Marinette grabs him by the shoulders and blurts out "Would you like to go pout? I mean go about- No, goo oot-" Once again her words start to get all jumbled, making it hard to understand what she wanted to say.

She gets interrupted yet again by the car horn and she gives up. "Oh forget it, I don't want to keep your guard waiting." "Ok." Mari looks down at the ground disappointedly while the girls give her a blank stare. I let out an amused sigh considering Marinette's track record they should've expected this. "But we could take you home if you wanted," He offers her a ride, she goes to say yes but stops herself and waves him off. "No, it's ok I don't want to keep you from getting home sooner. Thank you though." "Ok then, stay safe and see you at school tomorrow," Adrien waves goodbye before getting in the car and it drives off the girls surrounding Mari.

"Why did you say no girl?!" Alya slightly yells in shock and Mari gives her an apologetic smile. "It just didn't feel right." "Well at least you can mostly talk to him now without stuttering or stumbling over your words," Rose as usual looks at the brighter side when rose pedals start showering on us and we turn to see they were coming from Alix who was giving us all a blank look. "Don't tell me 'Buttercup' left the 'flower bed' with the 'nanny'?" "Yeah..." Mylène trails off and I spot the rickshaw driver and herd him over. "Come on, it's been a stressful day so let's all go get a smoothie or something."

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