Feast: Part 2

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"All I wanted was a nice little companion I could send to the kitchen to fetch me some rice balls but the miraculous must never be used for the wrong reasons. The anger I was feeling mingled with my intense hunger and I created a sentimonster that was different from the one I had envisioned. A ravenous out to devour everything but specifically the miraculous since they were the bane of my life at that moment," Master Fu tells us before continuing his story. He had lost his staff containing the amok and in his panic hadn't thought of destroying it with the peacock miraculous. In the end, he had to escape the temple with the miracle box and grimoire only to be chased by the sentimonster after is destroyed the temple. While being chased Master Fu lost the butterfly and peacock miraculous and the grimoire while the sentimonster seemed to disappear.

"As soon as Hawkmoth finds out about it he'll be able to use the peacock miraculous to bring it back to life." "Master if that happens, Chat Noir, (s/n), and I will be there," Marinette tries to reassure him but he shakes his head. "But you three won't stand a chance, it's totally immune to the powers of the miraculous, and stop calling me master, I was never a guardian to begin with. I will not make another mistake. You three will give me your miraculous back and I'll leave Paris with the miracle box since that's what the monster is after. I'll make it come after me, sparing the city and its inhabitants."

"What if it catches up with you this time?" Mari asks and he frowns. "Then it'll be my fate." "But then what? You said it was a monster that wanted to eat. If eating the miraculous doesn't quench its hunger or it gets bored it'll start attacking cities, people, anything and everything in its path," I point out but he still steels himself. "Then I won't get caught." "We won't let you do this. When we were chosen to be the holders of the miraculous, you trusted our kwamii's choices and let us keep them and we're asking you to trust us with this," Marinette says, digging her feet in as well and I nod. "We'll take care of this if it becomes a problem," He gives us a smile and thanks us for everything.

Later that night I woke up to a paper falling on my face, tiredly I rub my eyes and read it. (y/n), you've been an incredible holder of the polar bear miraculous but I can't let you, Marinette, and Chat Noir risk your lives to fix a mistake that I made. I hope you can forgive me, go live your life, forget all about me, and be happy, signed Fu. I read before the paper disappears and I then notice my hands were bare, I wasn't wearing the gloves, and a quick glance around showed Flaake was nowhere around. Jumping up I climb up to Marinette's bed. "Marinette, problem!" "I know! Wayzz wait!" She responds before climbing to the roof and I join her as we watch Master Fu get ready to peddle away on his bike. "Master wait!" We call out in unison but he takes off and we run out calling for him to wait but he didn't stop. My mind goes to Chat did Fu ever tell him about his past? If not he'll go to his place and be confused. I start to run toward his place. "Where are you going?!" Mari calls back to me.

"Chat might not know the situation! He'll probably head to Fu's first, I'll catch up later!" I yell back before continuing to run. When I get there I call out for Chat but I get no response so I enter his room to find it completely empty. He was really leaving... That's when the door burst open to reveal a panting Adrien as he spat out, "Master Fu, what's going on why'd you-" He cuts himself off when he notices that I was the only one on here. My eyes widen like saucers as I muttered "Adrien...?" "(y-y/n) what are you doing here in my grandpa's home?" He asks nervously and I give him a serious look.

"Adrien are you Chat Noir?" "W-what?! What makes y-you say that?" He stutters out nervously and I press again. "Adrien now is not the time to make excuses, are you Chat Noir?" "Yes...I'm Chat Noir but how did you find out?" He relents. "This is Master Fu's place, the guardian of the miraculous, only three people know of him or this place, Ladybug, Chat Noir, and me: (s/n)," His eyes widen in realization before I grab his hand and rush out stating, "Come on, we don't have time to focus on this, Master Fu's trying to leave because the new statue in the Louvre is actually a sentimonster from his past and he's afraid it'll come after him again," Our phones ping and we stop to pull up the akuma alert and where. "Think I know where he is," I say and Adrien points to some thrown-out costumes. "Guess we're playing dress up today," He gets dressed in a Mr. Bannana costume and I get in a race car driver suit, a hood, and a full face mask and with some scooters, we head to where the akuma was last seen to find a giant sentimonster chasing Master Fu and Ladybug chasing them in a full body swimsuit and a helmet.

"Hey there Bug-a-boo," Chat jokes and she gives us a confused look. "Chat? (s/n)? That you?" "Duh, who else would be here?" I remark and she looks at the banana costume. "Isn't that costume of your's a little unsafe?" "Only on the outside, I've got a helmet and pads under my banana peel Bug-a-boo." "I'm gonna start calling you Banana Noir if you call me that again." "AS you wish Bug-a-boo." "Flirt later," I interject soon pointing down another street, "Let's take a shortcut," We do just that and end up in front of Master Fu when LB notices the bus in front of us. 

Catching up we get the bus driver's attention. "I'm Ladybug and I need you to help me!" The man scoffs, joking about how we're the famous banana cat and race car-driving bear. "Doesn't matter, a man behind us is being chased by a monster and we have to help him," He looks in his rearview mirror to see we weren't lying and he agrees to help. Once Fu passes the bus we signal the driver to block the monster's path.

Author: Might not be a chapter tomorrow, going home for spring break soon after I'm done with classes but I'll try to get tomorrow's chapter done tonight.

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