Despair Bear: Part 2

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"No. Why would it? They all seem to enjoy getting dirty making cookies, how's it any different from getting dirty cleaning floors? They should be thanking me if anything," Adrien lets out an exasperated sigh. "Chloé how long have you and I been friends?" "Since we were adorable little tots Adriekeins~" "Well I'm sorry Chloé but I can't be friends with someone who treats other people like this. You gotta be nice to people," I flinch in shock I honestly didn't think Adrien had the nerve to do this kind of thing, I mean it's well deserved, he doesn't need a toxic friend and she needs to realize that if she continues to be toxic she'll lose everyone.

"N-nice?" "Yes, nice! It's not that hard," He walks off and I make my way over to other friends to avoid being yelled at by Chloé. After school Juleka, Rose, Alix, Mylène, Alya, Marinette and I decide to hang out in Mari's room and do a small little fashion show, Alya was taking pictures claiming they could be used in a fashion blog that focuses on Mari's designs and be in her portfolio, all while listening to my latest song:

Let's just say that finally accepting my feelings toward Luka had greatly influenced my music and the girls had taken notice of that. "Your new song is cool and it's refreshing to see you open up about your crush y/n. Is that why it took so long for a new song to come out?" Alya asks and I feel my cheeks go pink.

"Kinda, let's just say there's been some revelations over the past few weeks," I responded, glancing at Marinette with the internal reminder she was Ladybug. "You and Luka are gonna make the cutest couple," Juleka mumbles with a smile and my eyes go wide. "Now wait a second! How did you know?! I never told you, girls, it was L-Luka-" I start to stutter and Rose cuts me off. "It's so obvious it's him." "Yeah, he's like the only guy you ever spend any alone time with," Alix chimes in as all of the other girls' nod.

Feeling flustered I grab a hat and shove it into Juleka's face jokingly and tell them. "S-stop it and just focus on the p-photoshoot!" We laugh and get back to the fashion show when Marinette pulls out her latest project: a changeable jewel necklace. "I designed these jewels to be customizable on the necklace yourself," She hands the pink on to Rose who squeals over how cute it was. Alya takes another photo before showing them to Marinette stating "These would make awesome starter photos for your upcoming fashion blog," That's when her phone pings and she stares down at it in confusion.

"Chloé?" "What does that bratty snob want?" Mari asks peeking over Alya's shoulder as she responded. "Chloé's inviting me to a party...?" Suddenly the girls let out a chorus of me toos. It wasn't long before even I got an invitation, I thought she hated my guts. "This is soo nice of her," Rose says with a smile, causing Marinette to raise an eyebrow. "Chloé and nice in the same sentence? Can't be her." "Maybe somebody hacked her phone?" Mylène suggests but no one was convinced knowing her daddy dearest she had the best protection for her phone.

"I haven't received a text," Mari exclaims pulling out her phone and I smirk "That settles it, it really is Chloé," But as if to contradict me, Marinette's phone pings. It was Chloé. "Ew, she invited me!" "Awesome! This'll be so much fun!" Rose squeals happily and Mari gives us all a confused look.

"Don't tell me you guys are actually going to go?" "Maybe she wants to apologize for this morning," Mylène surmises and I nod chiming in with "And to keep Adrien has her friend I heard talk to her and he told her if she can't be nice they can't be friends." "See that explains it, she's not trying to be nice, she's only trying to keep Adrien close to her. You guys can go but don't count me in," Mari argues when Alya's phone pings again and she announces "It's Nino, he's going to the party with Adrien," This changes Mari's tune quickly. "Mylène is right, she must be trying to apologize, let's give Chloé one more chance," We all laugh at Mari's reaction before a certain look finds its way onto Alya's face. 

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now