Despair Bear: Part 3

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Chloé quickly shoves the bear out of sight but it was too late. "Is that your teddy bear Chloé?" Kim asks and most people laugh, her face red with anger Chloé drags the butler off into the kitchen. "Well that wasn't very cool using that bear to manipulate Chloé like that," Luka comments, and I nod stating "I kind off get it though, she threw this party the keep her friendship with Adrien and she's been struggling to be nice all night, that bear was probably the only way that butler could convince her to be nice but out in the open like that? He should've known  she'd be humiliated like that..."

The love song ends and the regular tunes come back on leading us to just have a fun dance with our friends but that didn't last long either when Chloé started making another scene. For some reason, Sabrina was admitted to brushing Chloé's hair even after she said no. She ends up hiding behind Kim. "If you touch one hair on Chloé's head you'll have to answer to me," That's when I see it. A small teddy bear attached to Sabrina's ankle which had now latched itself onto Kim, controlling him.

Oh no that butler must've gotten akumatized! I turn to Luka, with an apologetic smile. "I'll be back, I gotta use the restroom," With that, I head on out soon letting out a huff. "Stupid Hawkmoth could he have just left the party alone tonight?" "What? Upset he ruined your date with Luka?" Flaake teases me and I poke her. "Yes! Now let's hurry this up so I can get back to him as soon as I can. Flaake Freeze!" 

When I get back on the scene I watch in shock as the possessed Kim puts Chloé through a ride with the crazy dance moves he was doing with her. She's tossed into the air and Ladybug's yoyo comes flying in, throwing Chloé safely into the ball pit. "About time! What took you so long?!" Chloé shouts at Ladybug when Kim makes a move, quickly I extend my spear, and Chat's staff also appears, with the two weapons in the way, Kim trips and lands in the ball pit face first, the akumatized bear flung onto the wall.

"That's a very slippery dance floor," Chat jokes as he taps the floor, disconnecting my kunai knives I throw them at the bear to try and capture it but it climbed up the wall and jumped onto the dance floor, people running away. We chase after it, LB demanding everyone move out of the way but Despair Bear was nowhere to be seen.

"Look out!" Chat warns, dragging LB and me out of the way of an oncoming chair. We turn to see Luka! I glare at the teddy bear. Luka picks up another chair. "How about a little game of flying chairs?!" Ladybug grabs his ankle with her yoyo and Despair Bear lets go just as Ladybug yanks Luka's foot into the air, tripping him up. Alya comes charging in and grabs hold of Ladybug. Grabbing Alya's arm I pull her away from Ladybug and constrain her when Alya looks at me confused. "(s/n)? What happened?" I let go and we start looking around for that annoying bear. Ivan picks up a table and Chat charges at him breaking the table with his staff before holding Ivan down with it.

"Chat Noir?" He asks in confusion and we look around, wondering where Dispear Bear and gone. Suddenly I freeze, I couldn't move my body, I could only see, oh no, I was too focused on everyone else to realize he'd target us. Unwillingly on my part, I grab Ladybug's wrist. "What are you doing?" She asks me before letting out a gasp to see I had been grabbed "Oh no..." Chat and LB trail off when Ladybug is forced to sidestep because I made a grab for her earrings. She continues to sidestep and lean her head back as she tries to get ahold of me.

"(s/n) it's me, stop it!" I know, but I'm not exactly in control of myself right now girl! I'm sorry! She wrings her hand around mine, forcing me to let go and she grabs my wrist instead. (this actually works if someone grabs your wrist if their hand is close enough or your arm is long enough you can wrap your hand that's been grabbed under their arm and grab their wrist, it forces the person to let you go) Ladybug then twist my arm around my back to restrain me, only for Despair Bear to summon my ice storm and swing my free hand toward her to freeze her in place.

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