Oblivio: Part 4

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"Hey, you! Wanna play cat and mouse with us? First one to tag the other wins!" Chat teases as me and him bring Oblivio's attention to us while LB forces Oblivio's hand into the teapot preventing him from attacking. "(s/n)! Chat Noir now!" "ICE STORM!" "CATACLYSM!" I freeze Oblivio in a wall of ice besides the arm without a hand so he couldn't dodge or break the teapot and Chat cataclysm's the machine as a purple butterfly flies out and Ladybug does what she called de-evilize the akuma and it's revealed that Oblivio was a teenage boy and girl.

"So the villain was both those guys?" Chat asks when I point at the giant purple orb in the sky. "What do we do about that?" "This is where my other power comes in. It fixes everything to how it was originally," LB says and goes to throw the teapot when Chat stops her asking, "Do you think we'll remember all this afterwards?" "From what I understand my miraculous ladybugs revert everything so probably not." "Ok then, with your permission M'lady I'd like to kiss you," She nods, and the two lean in for an adorable kiss while the girl takes photos. "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" A bunch of ladybugs goes flying around fixing everything before flying by us.

I blink in confusion as I look around, what just happened? That's when I notice Chat Noir and Ladybug holding each other and I smirk while crossing my arms and tease them. "Aww look at you two finally acting all lovey-dovey" They jump back away from each other when Alya and Nino approach. "Guys you haven't seen a supervillain named Oblivio have you?" Chat asks them as we look around, he was nowhere in sight. "You defeated him already dude." "Actually he was us," They tell us and we blink in confusion, wondering how we defeated him but not remember it. "Ok? Pound it," We pound it before Chat goes back to the topic of what they were arguing about earlier. "I'm just saying Ladybug even though I have my lotus blossom that fan does have a point if we were to date we'd make a cute couple, you can't be mad at them for that." "Except for the fact that fan was trying to push us to date after telling them that we aren't a couple. Don't start this again, you know that fan was in the wrong since you're in love with someone else and so am I."

That's when Alya pulls up a picture from just a moment ago of those two kissing and I start cracking up. "What are you laughing at?" LB asks me with a glare and I point at the photo as both of their jaws drop while I ask, "Then how'd that happen?" "What the?! Everyone saw that?! THIS IS A DISASTER! WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED?!" "One thing for sure that fan was right, you two would make a cute-looking couple," I continue to tease and she goes to yell at me when her earrings beep. "This conversation isn't over!" She takes off while Chat and I laugh. 

After de-transforming I get on the bus and wait for my classmates to join, we had gone on a class trip to Montparnasse Tower when Alya and Nino get on and apologize. "Were you two Oblivio? Why'd you wanna erase our memories?" "Remember when we went missing in tower? Well, we hid in a closet to play Super Penguino when we were caught and you all made fun of us for playing it." "Next time just play at home and not on school field trips," Everyone apologizes for laughing and admits they play it the game as well when Adrien admits he hasn't played it yet and Alya sends a knowing smirk Marinette's way. "All you need is to find the right partner."

Later that night it was shown that Alya had posted the picture of Ladybug and Chat Noir kissing on the Ladyblog which was currently the most popular post. "I don't believe it, I actually kissed Chat Noir! How could this have happened?!" "Who knows? Maybe you still have some things to learn about him," Tikki slightly teases.




Adrien started at the latest post on the Ladyblog with shock as Plagg said, "Hey, she finally fell in love with you, why aren't you excited?" "I'm not in love with Ladybug anymore and for some reason, we kissed! How did this happen?" Adrien lightly bangs his head on the desk. "Well assuming you both forgot your memory and transformed back, you searched through your phone and put one thing together." "Are you saying this happened because of the Ladybug photos?" "It's possible, why do you have photos of Ladybug when you're in love with Kagami?" 

"Nino, Kim, and I had a project due on the three of us, I had to get some photos of her for the presentation! I should've deleted them earlier. I feel guilty," Adrien crosses his arms as Plagg inhales another slice of cheese before asking "Why? It's not like you're dating Kagami." "No, but I kissed Ladybug after she told me she was in love with somebody else, essentially disrespecting her boundaries and it makes it sound like I'm lying when I say I do love Kagami," Adrien slightly pouts as his attention turns to a photo of the fencing team and looks at Kagami. "You know what? That's it, it's time I stop dancing around it, at fencing practice tomorrow I'm finally gonna ask Kagami out," He says with a determined smile.

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