Catalyst: Part 2

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Marinette ducks underneath her desk hoping not to be seen as Ms. Bustier asks me what I'll be doing for Hero's Day. "This'll be my first year celebrating Hero's Day so I thought I would give a performance at the park and live stream it as well while debuting my latest song. Songs can be requested through a small donation and any money I make will be given to charity."

Your new song: 

People clap and thinking she was safe from being called on Mari starts to peek her head up. "What about you Marinette?" "So I yeah...I have macaroons," Mari nervously says, holding up the box of treats and Chloé scoffs. "Wow, like every year? You obviously went above and beyond Dupain-Cheng." "Hey! She did what she could and that's better than nothing."

 I point out, earning myself a glare from Chloé. "Hey! I am doing something. Now that I'm a superhero myself I'll be signing autographs for anyone who wants one," Marinette who had been quiet suddenly speaks up. "Wait! It's not just macaroons for us. I'm actually organizing a school-wide macaroon tasting," This certainly catches everyone's attention. "Yeah, and they'll be more than just macaroons too, there'll be pastries and pies, fruits, and cakes for anyone who wants them. I invite everybody to the biggest tasting at the park tonight!"

The class cheers and Mari doesn't seem to realize the grave she dug herself until we went back home for lunch and it was clear her parents couldn't help bake the pastries. "How about just half then? Five hundred macaroons, one hundred pies, three hundred sweet buns, and a thousand croissants? That should be enough." "If I didn't have this giant Ladybug cake to finish by tonight I would gladly rise to the challenge but there's simply no way I can do both. I'm sorry Marinette but I've committed myself and I can't let the mayor down."

Marinette slumps into a still as she frowns, muttering, "I've committed myself way over my head and now I'm gonna let my whole class down..." "It's not too late to tell them the truth, your friends will understand," Sabine tells her and Mari shakes her head. "But it won't be very heroic." "Yes it will, being brave enough to face one's mistakes is heroic." "You're right! If I get to work right away I'll bake enough macaroons by myself," She grabs her apron and rushes upstairs. With a sigh, I reassure her parents I'll go up and help her.

We get to work right away while eating lunch, Tikki and Flaake offering their help where they could as well. But soon there were only thirty minutes left till we had to go back to school and we only had a little over a dozen macaroons and Marinette was starting to freak out. "We've got thirty minutes before the end of lunch break at a rate of ten macaroons per minute that equals..." She mutters to herself as she starts to rush everything before pulling out a burnt batch of macaroons. "A mess," I sigh out and Mari turns to Tikki begging for help. "Want me to go back and fetch more sugar?" "Why don't you transform me into Ladybug instead? With a bit of luck, my Lucky Charm will give us a giant electric whisk or an oven full of quiches!" We all give her a look and she lets out a huff.

"I know it wouldn't be very hero-like of me to use my powers for my own gain." "Just tell people jumped the gun a bit there's always another way to do things," Flaake says while I disposed of the burnt macaroons. "But that'll spoil the whole party." "Today's Hero's Day Marinette nothing could spoil the party," Tikki reassures her and we get what we could done before heading back to school when Adrien comes rushing up happily. "Marinette! This is awesome! My father gave me permission to come to your tasting!"

In shock, Mari starts stuttering and Adrien frowns. "I get it there aren't enough pastries for me..." "What?! No! We've got plenty, you're so cute- It's so cool you can make it," She tells him before we walk inside to see everyone was down, confused we walked up to our friends and ask what was wrong and we were shown Nadja's latest news report. "Chat Noir and (s/n) defeated, Ladybug in the clutches of Hawkmoth this is Paris's worst nightmare. There's no sense in celebrating Hero's Day-"

 Screams could be heard as the camera pans up to reveal a bunch of red akumas that started akumatizing everyone. I thought he could only akumatize one person at a time! "Dear viewers what does make sense is getting ready for the coming of..." "Our new lead rock star..." "Scarletmoth!" A red Prime Queen, Guitar Villain, and Frightengale exclaim, and the three of us gasp before we all look up to see the sky covered in red akumas as they rained down and started akumatizing everyone around us

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now