Silencer: Part 4

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"That's impossible! I took your voice from you, how could you possibly have summoned up your Lucky Charm?" Silencer asks in Ladybug's voice and she activates her ability, a vacuum cleaner falling in her hands. "I don't see how this is gonna work any better than a lamp but at least you got yourself a real lucky charm."

Chat comments before kicking Silencer into the studio room, we rush in, and Chat and I fight him when we hear a whistle. Turning around we see LB gesturing for Chat's belt. He tosses her his belt before summoning his cataclysm and those two change blows before Silencer knocks him to the ground and takes his voice but before he could steal it, Ladybug uses her vacuum backpack to pull Chat's voice toward her. 

I take this opportunity to tackle Silencer to the ground soon mouthing a silent sorry as Chat taps Silencer's's helmet and it turns to dust, Luka shivering as he frowned. It wasn't long before I heard "No more evil-doing for you little butterfly," After de-evilizing the akuma she smirks at Chat Noir who was desperately trying to talk. "You're right this does have its advantages," He gives her a blank stare while I giggle as she does her miraculous ladybugs, our voices soon returning.

I quickly rush over to Luka and help him up and explain what happened. That's when Bob comes in, still tied up to a chair and yelling at me. "This is outrageous (s/n), you tied me up and imprisoned me in a dressing room!" I send him a confused look as I ask, "Me? I did that? Doesn't sound like something I'd do," He then notices Luka and smirks. "So the ladybug, cat, and bear gotcha huh? Serves you right, what did you think that I was gonna tell people the truth? That I stole Kitty Section's song and your friend's designs so I could give them to my talentless son?! You didn't think that the superheroes would come to save me, that's right they work for me now," Luka and I exchange smirks as we start snickering. "What are you snickering for?"

"We're snickering because you're on the air Mr. Roth and everything you said was just broadcast live," I say pointing at Ladybug who had the camera pointed at him. His jaw drops before he starts spinning off more lies to get out of this hot mess. "Precisely, it was all just a big joke, I actually love Kitten Division in fact I'm going to give them a record deal and they'll finish off the show with their very own song. I just wanted it to be a surprise is all because it was my idea," I walk over to Chat and LB and we quietly pound it before Chat gives us an unsure look.

"We usually save the good guy from the baddies but I got my doubts about this one, you sure he hasn't been akumatized?" "Nope, he's like that all the time," Ladybug says when her earrings beep. "Gotta go, see you soon my kitty," LB waves goodbye as she takes off, Chat sighing about how cute he found that nickname.

True to his word Bob let Kitty Section play on the show, we were just waiting for Alec to introduce us. Just as we were about to go on stage I stop Luka and ask, "Luka...Did you really mean those things you said when you were akumatized?" My face goes red as he gives me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry (y/n) I don't remember what I said, what was it?" "Don't worry about it, you said what you said while under Hawkmoth's influence," I reassure him and he gives me a worried look.

"I don't know what I possibly could've said. I just hope it wasn't anything mean because you're the most extraordinary girl I've ever met, as clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing in my head since the first day we met," I feel my face go even redder if that was even possible, that was the most beautiful declaration of love I've ever heard...I throw my arms around him for a hug and kiss him with a smile. "Come on, we can continue this later, we've got a show to do," He whispers in my ear before we head on up to the stage and perform but one of these days I'm gonna find the perfect way to show you how much I love you, Luka. 

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