The Dark Owl: Part 2

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"Of course! If we make him a hero for a day like he's always dreamed of he'll be happy and quit playing this dangerous game. Spot on as usual M'lady. We just need to figure out how," Chat exclaims earning him a smirk from Ladybug. "I just may have an idea."

That night Marinette and I stayed up all night working on her idea, we'd make a fake supervillain: Cardboard Girl, and pretend she's captured us and taken our miraculous which were made with salt dough and paint, except for mine they were just knitted gloves and have The Owl save us with some help from Alya. Once the costumes and fake miraculouses were made we both collapse into bed when our alarms go off. Looking out the window to see the sun was up Mari and I both groan in tiredness at least tomorrow was Friday.

After school was over again Mr. Damocles rushes us out of the school. "Sorry but my parents need us again but we should be free for a sleepover tomorrow," After dropping our bags at home we transform yet again and meet up with Chat Noir explaining our plan to him before dropping by at Alya's.

"Ladybug? Chat Noir? (s/n)? Woah!" She exclaims excitedly and agrees to help us. Alya calls Mr. Damocles. "Hello?" "Is this The Owl?" "Who is this?! How do you know my secret identity?!" The four of us start giggling. "I am Cardboard Girl! The supervillain, I've kidnapped Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n)!" Alya lets out an evil laugh before pointing the phone at us and we beg for help. "Release them immediately!" 

"Never! And I'll never tell you that I'm holding them at the Place Des Vosges square either!" She maniacally laughs out. "Aha! You gave yourself away Cardboard Girl now you shall face the feathered fury of The Owl Hoo-Hoo!" We hear him fall over his desk before the call ends and the four of us laugh.

"So? How was I?" "Nailed it." "Now you just need to put this on," Ladybug hands Alya the Cardboard Girl costume and she looks over it skeptically. "You sure about this uh...Outfit?" "Definitely," The three of us say in unison and we head to the park, and wait for The Owl to arrive.

When he does we hide the view of our miraculous, thankfully too much of it wasn't known so not many people knew for a fact you needed to be wearing a miraculous. "Give up Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir, I the evil Cardboard Girl have taken your miraculous! No one can save you now!" Cardboard Girl loudly proclaims making a big show of putting our 'miraculouses' in a box.

"Hoo-Hoo!" "Owl!" "Owl Talon! Hoo-Hoo!" He shoots a grappling hook at us which bounces off a lampost, the carousel, and lands on a truck that dragged The Owl in the dirt, straight into a trash can and a tree. LB, Chat, and I run up asking "Mr. Damocles are you ok? Are you hurt?!"

"I am not Mr. Damocles! I am The Owl!" He yells out but the crowd surrounding us made it clear no one believed him. "You've revealed my secret identity," Mr. Damocles starts to cry and Ladybug apologizes. "We're sorry Mr. Dam- Owl we didn't mean to." "Don't take it the wrong way." "We were only trying to protect you," Chat Noir and I chimed in but Mr. Damocles was having none of it as he clumsily ran off.

"Sorry, it was a bust Ladybug. You were trying to do the right thing," Akya says, handing back the fake miraculouses. "Yeah, now we just have to hope no one hears about it," Chat mutters before I shake my head. "Impossible, we drew a big crowd and many people were recording..." I trail off.

This proved to be true as almost every show related to news in any way was discussing Mr. Damocles being The Owl. It was now sunset and Mari and I were just hanging out in her room. She was doing some designing while Flaake and Tikki danced along to my new cover.

Suddenly the screen cuts to an image of an owl's face before a man similarly dressed as The Owl appeared. "Uh Mari, come see this," She turns around and her eyes widen. "Citizens of Paris listen to me very carefully. Just one slight movement, I can release the rope holding up this city bus and all the animals inside will crash down on this poor helpless little kitten," The screen cuts to show a bus being held by a rope under the Eiffel Tower dangling over a kitten sitting on a pillow.

"Tikki..." "Flaake..." "I think we got a serious problem," We say in unison as we stare in shock at the screen. "And if anyone should be tempted to come and save these animals beware! It is all rigged! Liquid nitrogen will automatically douse the feet of the Eiffel Tower, freezing them to -700 degrees, making them more fragile than glass! It'll collapse and the bus will flatten our cute kitten friend. Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n), the only way you can save these sweet animals is to come and hand your miraculous over to me! You only have ten minutes."

He shows the screen a detonator when a team minute countdown. "Follow the owl signal." "We can't let this happen. Tikki Spot On!" Mari transforms and I follow suit. Chat Noir catches up with us when we reach the signal. "Wow, that principal sure is holding a grudge..." "Yeah, we've definitely ruffled his feathers." 

"Well, what did you expect because we accidentally revealed his identity he's become the laughing stock of Paris," I point out and they both kiss their teeth. "No matter we've got to get a hold of that detonator and stop the countdown," Ladybug says shaking her head to focus back on the task at hand.

"(s/n) and I can distract him with a little chit-chat," Chat suggests and LB nods putting in an earphone from her yoyo, Chat and I doing the same from the end of his staff, and the hilt of one of my knives. "Let's stay in touch," We head our separate ways, Chat Noir and I landing in the stadium where The Dark Owl was waiting for us.

"Hoo-Hoo! Mr. Damocles!" Chat calls out to him when the stadium lights up and we see him above us as he yelled "I am not Mr. Damocles I am The Dark Owl!" "Let's talk about this, we could team up the four of us. After all, you have powers now," The Dark Owl's eyes narrow as he looks around soon asking "Where is Ladybug?" "Grappling iron, boomerang, utility belt...The akuma has to be in one of his weapons," LB informs us and Chat responds to her before nudging me to respond to The Dark Owl.

"Yeah but which one?" "Uh...She'll be here, no doubt she's on her way now." "Then you two can be the first to place your miraculous in the box located in the middle of the stadium or-" He raises the detonator for us to see. "BOOM! Ok, we get it," We raise our hands in defense and make our way to the box, Chat whispering to LB to go for the detonator.

She takes action and the detonator goes flying. "Over to you too," Chat grabs the detonator and turns to me. "Go help Ladybug," I nod and get to the little roof section they were on to find them sparring. Before I could step in though he uses a grappling hook to grab Ladybug and throw her into me and we land on Chat Noir. The detonator was back in The Dark Owl's clutches.

"Oops, how time flies this is your last chance to save the helpless kitten!" He wars us, showing we had three minutes left before throwing the detonator on top of a crate while we got up. "What's he got against cats?" Chat asks. "Heroes don't hurt innocent beings Dark Owl!" Ladybug exclaims only earning her a sinister look. "Then give me your miraculous otherwise you will be to blame! Owl Talon!" The owl talon is shot at us and we get tied together.

Rolling out of the way of a punch Chat activates his cataclysm to set us free. "It's the end of the line for you!" The three of us charge at him and while The Dark Owl was blocking mine and Chat's attack, Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around his leg, slid under him, and threw him back, soon summoning her lucky charm. "A fountain pen?" "What are you gonna do? Ask him for an autograph?" Chat jokes while The Dark Owl growls. "(s/n) go get the detonator," LB instructs and I hop on the crate.

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