Prime Queen: Part 2

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There were only ten more seconds before the show was officially supposed to start and there was still no sign of Ladybug and I bite my lip in anxiousness, come on Marinette where are you? But just as we went live the studio doors burst open and in flings Ladybug soon taking a seat on the couch, and we all sigh in relief. "I thought you decided to stand me up M'lady," Chat flirts and LB shakes her head. "And let the audience down? Never. I'm sorry I'm so late Nadja," Nadja gives her bracelet a determined look, it probably told her the number of people watching.

"Good evening, I'm Nadja Chamack and this is Face-To-Face. For our first edition, I welcome our beloved guardians of Paris: Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n)," Nadja introduces us and we wave to the cameras. "Thanks so much for accepting this exclusive live interview." "Thank you, Nadja, we're honored to be here," Ladybug responds before Chat blows a kiss toward the camera stating "And hello to all my fans."

"I'm sure thousands have tuned in to watch you tonight," Nadja comments and a smirk finds its way onto Ladybug's lips. "Don't encourage him Nadja or the cat won't stop purring all night." "Don't listen to her Bug-a-Boo's just a spot jealous," Chat jokes and she rings his bell telling him "I thought I told you no more Bug-a-Boo pussy cat." "But it's so cute!" They start to lightly argue when I interrupt. "I apologize for their un-ending flirting. Maybe we should postpone this until these two are done?" I joke and continue to snicker when Ladybug lightly punches me stating "We're not flirting!" "Why deny it Bug-a-Boo? Everyone sees it except you!" I continue to tease, Nadja soon laughing and pointing at the bug and cat. "It's obvious you two are very close." "If only you could see how these two act when fighting akumas I wonder if you'd still think that."

I say, recalling all the times Chat had tried to get closer to LB only annoying her in the process. "Oh my! Sounds entertaining. Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n), people know you but they don't really know you. We see you saving Paris but we don't know anything else about you," Chat decides to respond. "We won't be keeping anything from you, Nadja." "Well we do have to keep a few secrets including our identities of course," LB quickly chimes in.

"Absolutely. How about we start with a few questions from your biggest fans?" Nadja offers, our attention soon turning to the screen next to us and Chloé Bourgeois appears on the screen. "Hello caller, state your name and your question. "Ugh, seriously Nadja? Surely no one else would be the first caller but me. I'm only the most prestigious fan of Ladybug!" "Oh yes of course. Hello there Chloé Bourgeois, daughter of the mayor of Paris," Nadja complies a little begrudgingly. "Don't forget my Daddy is the manager of the Grand Paris Hotel. The most luxurious hotel in the entire city." Chloé adds in and Nadja nods and tries to hurry things along after glancing at her watch.

"Thank you for reminding us, what is your question Chloé?" "Oh I don't have a question, I just wanted to say hi since as you all know we are such very good friends Ladybug Chat Noir, (s/n), and I," Not according to LB's annoyed face...Nadja quickly changes to the next caller, ignoring Chloé's protests. On comes Alya! "Hey there Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n)! I'm Alya and I was wondering if I could catch another interview this time with all three of you for the Ladyblog? You know since I have way more viewers than Nadja."

I give Alya a look there was no need to trash Nadja's show, the Ladyblog wasn't that popular when it first started out either. Sensing the tension, Ladybug was quick to answer. "Uh, s-sure Alya we'd love to do that." "This totally rocks! Thank you!" Manon pops up on screen oh no... "Am I on tv? Hi Mommy!" "Manon?! But where's Marinette?" I kiss my lips together while Ladybug nervously looks away as we hear the poor excuse Mari gave them. "She had to tell her parents something in the bakery and sometimes it can take a while," I turn to Ladybug and raise an eyebrow at her, I'm only met with a nervous smile when the call ends and Nadja turns to us.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir...Um, so a lot of fans think of you as a couple of superheroes but also and I quote-unquote  'as a couple' period," Ladybug's eyes widen as her head jolts back in shock, shouting "What?" I burst out in laughter while Nadja asked "Can you confirm you're a couple here tonight?" "I'm very sorry Nadja but we're superheroes. We're not here to answer such personal questions."

"Meow Ladybug's growing claws," Chat jokes before LB continues "We're here to assure all Parisians that they're safe and that it's only a matter of time before we defeat Hawkmoth," Which is why we have no leads on him but ok. Nadja gives us a look of disbelief so I answer the question. "Since this won't help Hawkmoth or any supervillains the answer is no. They are not a couple," I then mutter under my breath "Even if they flirt and act like one." "How do you explain these photographs then?" On the screen pops up an image of Ladybug and Chat Noir kissing back when Kim had been akumatized. All three of our eyes widen as LB gasps, I try to hold in my laughter, and Chat stares at the image gobstruck as he asks "What?! When did that happen?!" "When Dark Cupid was the latest akumatized victim," I answer before Ladybug quickly tells him "I was saving you, not kissing you!"

More photos show on the screen of Chat Noir and Ladybug hugging, LB scratching under his chin, her flying with Chat holding onto her waist, Chat pinning Ladybug to the ground, etc. How did they even get a hold of some of these images?! But it was clear a lot of them were taken out of context and Nadja pushes it further. "It's so obvious that you're both in love!" "These are just a bunch of photos taken out of context. We're only doing our job: saving the city together every day. We're not a couple!" LB argues, Chat soon chiming in. "But hopefully one day." "Chat! Not helping!" 

"Why won't you tell the truth?" Nadja again pushes and I jump in. "It is the truth, Nadja," No such luck. "Come on the audience awaits your answer!" "This interview is so over!" LB announces, trying to drag Chat and me with her. "What's the rush?" Chat asks and LB points at her yoyo. "There's an alert! Paris needs us right now!"

"Sorry, duty calls," I say as we head out, Nadja calling out to us. "Wait! The show isn't over yet! Your fans will be disappointed if they don't get an answer!" "If they're true fans, they'll understand," LB says and I chime in. "Besides we did give an answer: although it seems like it, these two aren't a couple." "The ladies are right," Chat bows, shutting the studio door and we leave.

Once away from the studio we stop and Chat Noir asks who we were saving. "Just us, Nadja was willing to do anything to make sure her show would be a success and I'm not about to answer more of her prying questions," Ladybug answers and Chat gives her a smile stating "But that's the price of success M'lady. The price of stardom," He winks and I cross my arms reminding him. "We're not stars, we're superheroes." "Exactly! We should be doing our job not looking like fools on tv," She takes off and so do I, Chat Noir following us. "Wait! I wasn't planning to go home so early, why don't we get some ice cream? I know the purrfect place!" I roll my eyes at the cat's attempts to score a date with Ladybug, jeez I swear these two try too hard to get with their crushes/ obsessions.

LB lands to tell Chat to stop when the large tv screen in front of us turns on and a computer-looking Nadja appears. "Hello everyone and welcome to my new show by me: Prime Queen. Don't be the mews it's just the news." "Nadja?!" We ask in shock, guess she really wanted that scoop. "Tonight, Ladybug and Chat Noir disappointed all their loyal fans with the help of (s/n) by refusing to admit their love for each other. I've prepared some trials to see how far they're prepared to go to keep the truth hidden from us." 

Chloé appears on screen and we watch in horror as Prime Queen walks through the screen and ties up Chloé. "Let's welcome our very first guest: Chloé Bourgeois who's apparently a friend of our three superheroes." "Just proves you can't believe everything you see on tv," LB mumbles. "Well then dear Chloé, let's find out if you really can count on those 'true friends'," Prime Queen snaps, and the screen changes to a train which she hops in with Chloé. When the train stops everyone runs away including the conductor. Prime Queen speeds up the train.

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