chapter 3

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I was sitting on my bed eating a cup of ice cream while watching a horror movie when my phone started to ring.

I looked at the caller I.D and it made me smile as I answered it.

"Alejandro, so nice for you to call," I answered.

[Alejandro] "Meet me at a restaurant later, I'll bring my son with me. I'll send you the address."

My eyes widen as I abruptly sat. "You have got to be kidding me?! Do you want Aries to kill me on the spot? You know how much he hates me."

I heard him chuckle before talking. Fucking old man.

[Alejandro] "I assure you he won't do it in a public place."

"Fine whatever." I rolled my eyes hanging up the call. I got his message about the restaurant address and time.

I threw my phone beside me as I continued watching the damn movie.

"Holy shit that's ugly." I was taken aback when Pennywise suddenly showed up.

After about three hours, it was already 5 p.m. I got up and went to shower to prepare myself for the 6:30 dinner.

I wore a black color v-neck jumpsuit, black sandals, a gold necklace, earrings, and rings. I curled my hair and neatly tied it with a hairpin on the side so it won't be bothersome.

I looked in the mirror seeing myself. I smirked when I see my arms with visible tattoos and ear piercings.

Damn am I gorgeous or what?

I grabbed my small red handbag and placed it there my usual. Phone, wallet, and a small handgun before grabbing my car keys and going straight to the restaurant address with thirty minutes more to spare.

I arrived and entered the restaurant. "Good evening ma'am." the receptionist greeted. "The Delavin family's table is by the right area." she pointed.

My brows furrowed. Fuck don't tell me they're here.

"I'm sorry but I'm here under Alejandro Ramirez's name." I cleared. The receptionist nodded and pointed towards the far left of the restaurant.

I nodded and proceeded to walk toward their table.

"Well your face looks worried. Are you constipated, Aries?" I chuckled before giving Alejandro a hug and sitting down.

Aries rolled his eyes, "Fucking criminal." he whispered but I heard it clearly.

"Well for your information, this criminal will be helping you with something, idiot." I retorted with a sarcastic tone making Aries glare at me but I just sweetly smiled at him, mocking him.

Alejandro laughed at us, "You two never change every time you see each other."

"If you weren't here and we're in a private place, he would've shot me already. So I owe you my life on this one." I laughed.

Alejandro and Aries Ramirez. CEO and director of RGA or Ramirez Group Associates. America's biggest company for securities and agents for important people and for cases that cannot be handled by the police department.

I met them three years ago when I flew here to L.A. for a transaction. The two of them were standing in front of a building lobby when I saw a sniper aimed at Alejandro.

Up to this day, I'm still wondering why I did that. I was sixteen so I was very much dumb and naive acting like a hero when in fact, I'm not.

I thought I fucked up because they all work for the government but eventually they let me go and yeah.

They know what I do for a living and I offered them my secret protection as long as they don't intervene with my business.

What can I say? I'm a bit persuasive.

"So spill. What do you want me to do? Assassinate or bounty hunt? I prefer assassinating cause killing them saves more time if you ask me." I shrugged.

"See dad, arrest her immediately. She's spilling all her dirt." Aries said in a bored tone leaning on his chair with arms crossed on his chest.

Aries was never fond of criminals, especially me, but what can he do about it?

I chuckled and patted his shoulder. "As if you would do that, cariño." I teased making Aries click his tongue.

Alejandro shook his head with a chuckle. For some reason, I enjoy teasing and calling Aries endearments. Alejandro was used to it and so is Aries. I'll always have this playful, flirty attitude yet when things are getting serious, shit is going down.

"We have a serial killer on the loose. We have been trying to catch him for two weeks now," this caught my attention making me look towards Alejandro. "His main targets are rich people. He steals their jewelry then leaves them dead."

"I see." I took a sip of my champagne. "What else?"

"We cannot see a pattern of when he will attack. There was a time he attacks one kid, then sometimes teenagers or old people." Aries said.

"Do you accept? We'll pay you 20,000 dollars for this." Alejandro said.

"We could have just asked other agents. Why are we giving her a source of income." Aries scoffed.

"Hmm alright. Actually, I might even do it for free since I have nothing to do. But since you offered why not, right?" I chuckled making Alejandro shake his head while chuckling and Aries rolled his eyes.

"There will be a charity event for three days. We assume that he will be there since most of his targets stay in a hotel room after big events like that. He strikes whenever they go to afterparties, comfort rooms, or any place without people."

"I'm not attending a damn charity event," I raised one of my brows, crossing my arms. I don't have the energy to attend such things.

"I know. You'll disguise yourself as a waitress so you can be free to roam around while Aries will be a guest. You'll have a camera on your uniform that will be monitored by me." Alejandro said.

"Hold up old man, you want me," I pointed at my chest, "To disguise myself as a waitress at a damn event?"


I scoffed at his answer. It would be much easier if I track him down by myself. No need to be dramatic about it.


"Sure. I guess a little fun while doing the job won't hurt a little." I smirked.

"There's no fun in this job, Rossi. We are catching a criminal." Aries seriously said.

"Yeah. But this is a different kind of game for me. Dressing up and pretending to be a waitress. Damn, I never did that before. I wanna see how far my acting skills can go." I smiled.

"I'll go to your office tomorrow and discuss the plan. I want to see the whole list of guests before going there. I don't want to bump into them." I shrugged.

"No plans on showing up to them?" Alejandro asked.


"Family drama." Aries scoffed.


We both continued our dinner and talked about catching up on things. It's funny because Aries could be recording all the shits I'm saying but he wouldn't sell me out just like that.

We have a special frenemy connection that's beyond not understandable.

I tried my best to not get seen by the biologicals. Thank heavens this restaurant is big and we're seated on opposite ends. I had my back on them so I can assure myself they never saw me.

If they did, I don't know what I might even do to them.

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