chapter 60

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Well, this is a sight to see.

Aries agreed to the dinner invite that dad just blunt out at my office earlier. I was about to tell him to not force himself to go but he accepted it even before I could open my mouth.

Now we're sitting here at the dinner table with all of my family except Elijah who was already in his room.

"So, Aries," dad started. I'd be lying if I said I don't feel nervous about what he was about to say. I took the glass of water taking a small sip as I anticipated what dad is planning to do.

"When do you plan on marrying my daughter?"

I choked on the water, coughing madly at dad's sudden words.

"What the hell, dad?!" I was trying to catch my breath while Aries was rubbing my back. This old man really had to ask those kinds of questions?!

"What? I just want to make sure that I'm still alive when you two get married," dad shrugged taking a bite of his food.

"Dad! You're not going to die early! What the hell?!" Zeke scolded massaging the temple of his head.

"I think that's the sign of aging," Nicholas said as Avyanna and Niccolo nodded in agreement.

"Do you need a prescription, dad? I could give you one," Matteo said with a small smile, shaking his head.

"As I was saying, how long have you two been together?" Dad asked again. That was definitely not what he said earlier.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

Cole's brows furrowed looking at me, "How come you don't know? You said you two are together right?"

"Yeah? I just don't care about the dates. All I know is we're together and that's enough."

"Teenagers," dad sighed.

"Honey, remember that we never really dated and just got married? I think we're much worst." Mom whispered but I think everyone at the table heard it.

"Aries," dad called.

"Yes?" Aries answered immediately, looking straight into my dad's eyes without fear or hesitation.

"How have you been?"

I scoffed at dad's weird questions. "Are you running out of topics, dad? 'Cause I swear this is embarrassing." I said rubbing my forehead.

"I think so?" He answered unsure as I deadpanned look at him.

"Fine. I invited Aries here because I want to personally thank him for taking care of you and staying by your side. I could see how much you... treasure him because you're willing to shoot your brother for him... even though Zeke deserves it," dad said the last sentence quickly that I didn't get to understand.

"So," he cleared his throat for a moment before continuing. "Thank you, Aries."

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Is he really saying thank you and smiling?! Or I'm just hallucinating things again.

"Welcome to the family."

I covered my face at the second-hand embarrassment I'm feeling right now. Aries seemed like he doesn't know what to say.

Samantha leaned closer to me, whispering something in my ear, "Don't worry that's how he welcomed me the first time Cole brought me here," she chuckled. "And we're not even together that time."

"Dad, please stop, oh my god," I mumbled but he kept going on and on about how Aries should take care of me or else he'll pierce a bullet through his head.

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