chapter 40

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Aries and I dodged the bullet as he knocked out Alvarez unconscious after a few punches.

"I'll call dad," Aries said taking his phone but I snatched it away from him immediately.

"No. I need to bring him to one of my warehouses." I crossed my arms, looking at the unconscious Alvarez on the floor. "If you call Alejandro, he'll call the police and we'll get involved. Things will get messy. I need to kill him afterward."

Aries looked at me in disbelief, "Killing the ex-president will cause more conflict."

"Calling the police here will also cause more conflict. My biologicals will find out about the company and about you. I won't risk it. It's not yet time for them to know. Besides I don't remember having problems with his so how the fuck did this even happen?" I retorted.

"Then until when will you hide everything from them? You can't keep everything a secret forever." Aries answered back.

"Next week. They'll know about the company next week. But the other business, until they say theirs. If not, then I'll bring it to my grave."

Aries glanced at Alvarez again. "Then what do we do? This is a huge mess," he shook his head trying to think of the next step.

"What I always do with people who try to kill me," I smirked.

"Wakey wakey!" I chuckled throwing a bucket filled with cold water all over the man who is currently tied to the chair.

He groaned while slowly moving his head and opening his eyes.

As much as I want Aries to enjoy this, I asked him to return back to his office so he won't get involved with this any further. I can handle everything by myself.

"Hi, ex-president! How was your sleep?" I smiled, crouching in front of him.

He didn't answer, rather he just glared at me pissing me off.

"I don't want to stay here nor see your face any longer so I suggest you speak." If I were to tell this story to the next generation they'll say I'm crazy because it sounds hella unrealistic!

But what can I say? Anything is possible even the most unrealistic things you can imagine.

"Just kill me. I won't speak," he spat, glaring at me.

"So, you're just going to let your accomplices live, while you're getting tortured to death?" I shook my head, clicking my tongue to mock him. "So unfair."

"Who said I have an accomplice?" What he said caught my attention. I stepped closer, grabbing his face and making him look up at me as I placed my heels on his thigh. My stilettos slowly buried themselves into his skin.

"You! When you came to L.A. three years ago everything went shit! You keep on killing the criminals that were supposed to be killed during my administration!" He yelled.

"Shouldn't you be thankful that I'm helping you?!" I aggressively removed my hold from his face.

"Thankful?! You ruined my plans! I was the one who's supposed to be praised not you! Not the damn Ramirezes! I spent three years to find an opportunity to catch you but I guess I underestimated you too much," he chuckled. "I stepped down just to kill you. I don't care about these damn people anyways. I just want the money."

"You're confusing me. Wait— How did you even—"

"There was this guy that has been tailing you. He knows everything about you. So if I die today, I know that you'll be dying the next day," Alvarez hysterically laughed.

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