chapter 54

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"Nat?" Cole said looking so confused.

"Cole?" I replied, giving off the same tone as him.

"Natalia!" Zeke exclaimed making my ears ring. If looks could kill right now, he had already killed himself.

"Zeke." I retaliated with the most boring tone I can.

"Natalia Elyse," Dad said so weakly. Is it just me, or is he going pale?

"Hey, dad!" I smiled trying to lift his mood but nothing changed.

Out of all time why now!

Well, let's see if you can keep up with your game, Ramirez.

I walked over to Aries, passing over the girl and pretending she was not there. "I just received a message from my secretary that I'm suddenly needed in the office, I need to go," I said as my lips curved up to a smile before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You started this, let's see if you can handle it," I whispered in his ear.

"I'm sure I can," Aries whispered back.

I slowly pulled away and let out a slight smirk, "Good luck, babe. You'll need it." I said making sure that Dad and my brothers would clearly hear it.

Turning around, I could see Zeke's furious face like he is about to attack Aries anytime, Cole's unreadable expression, and dad's....? I don't know, it's like he's about to have a heart attack or something.

"Bye, everyone! Bye Alejandro!" I waved goodbye but Zeke stood by the doorway, blocking me from leaving the office.

"Not so fast, sister," Zeke stated, holding my arm to stop me from leaving. He eyed the girl who looked like she was about to cry. "You, get out."

She quickly obliged and rushed out of the office when Zeke gave her the way. I was about to run behind her but he fucking stopped me from doing so.

He's lucky I don't feel like using violence today or else I'll just knock him out just to leave this room.

Fuck this!

Well, the good thing is that they didn't walk in on us about to do that thing here but there's no good thing in this whole situation!

"Alejandro, you could have warned me beforehand," I said, crossing my arms.

"I have no idea that you're here... and that they'll come," he defended. "And the door was slightly opened, the conversation inside was heard from where we stood, so technically, we didn't eavesdrop."

I rolled my eyes and slumped on the couch. I have no escape in this for sure. "Yeah, you could have just walked away and pretended you heard nothing but my brother here decided to go all dramatic," I looked at Zeke raising a brow.

He rolled his eyes at me as he glared at Aries.

The silence was deafening! No one said a single word like their waiting on who will talk first but no one did so.

"So you two are together? Since when?" Cole asked so calmly which was very very very very very very... very awfully weird.

I'm not answering that question.

If we talk at the same time there's a 98% chance that we wouldn't say the same answer.

Or, I could just deny it and say that Aries was just using that as a cover-up to get the girl off of his back.


But I fucking kissed him on the cheek in front of them and fucking pretended with him!

My stupid self is radiating.

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