chapter 28

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I just laid down on Aries' couch, scrolling through my phone, reading some news, and getting updates from Dasan about their assignment.

My peace was disrupted again when my phone rang, getting a call from Felix.

"What is it now?" I asked. Whenever he calls me at the most unexpected times, it's obviously no good. I stood up and sat on Aries' chair.

Feels comfy.

[Felix] "We have a problem with the French mafia, miss."

Did I hear that right? My brows furrowed trying to understand if what he said was what I heard. "What do you mean a problem with the French mafia?"

[Felix] "The don said he never received the shipment of guns."

"That's impossible," I scoffed. "There are always papers to sign whenever they receive a shipment. I have a soft copy of the papers and his signature with it."

[Felix] "That's what I'm also trying to understand, miss. Because I am sure our men delivered it to him at the usual location, at the usual time. We've been their supplier for two years. Specifically, every two months."

"When did the transaction take place?"

[Felix] "Two days ago. He only called me now."

I took a deep breath while pinching the bridge of my nose. Why is it that my problems are slowly stacking up right now?

"Send me his number," I immediately hung up the call when someone knocked on the door.

Thank god this office is soundproof.

The door slowly opened revealing a woman. She's wearing a pair of black pants and a white shirt with the agency's logo on the upper left chest.

"Who are you and what are you doing in sir Aries' office?" She asked raising her brows at me with her arms crossed. I can see in her eyes that she's judging me from top to bottom.

"None of your business." I coldly replied before standing up, looking at her from top to bottom. From her reaction, I find something suspicious.

"Well, it is my business because you are in my boss' office," she tried to intimidate me but I just kept a straight face.

Something about her doesn't sit right with me.

"If you have something to say, say it. I'll pass on the message." I leaned on the desk with my arms crossed as I waited for her to say something.

"I- I want to hand him s- something," she stutters.

"You're not even holding anything girlie," I scoffed. She seems to be nervous so instead of saying or doing anything, she sprinted out of the office.

The hell? She didn't even close the door!

I walked to the door, about to close it when someone called me, "Natalia? What are you doing here?"

Opening the door a little to see who it was, I was surprised to see Alejandro. "Just waiting for Aries to finish his meeting. How about you?" I asked as he entered the office too and sat on the couch.

"Just checking what Aries is doing. I forgot he has a meeting today," he sighed. "So what have you two been up to?" He asked again.

I coughed at his question when I remembered what we had just done earlier!

"Just the casual catching up," I shrugged before returning to Aries' swivel chair.

"I bumped into a girl earlier. What did she come here for?" Alejandro asked while reading the papers stacked on the small table in front of the couch.

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