chapter 15

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Everyone was seated in the living room. Avyanna was beside me and the others were just there scattered or whatever.

"It feels weird seeing two Avyanna," Nicholas said while laughing.

"I see two same faces every day but you don't see me complaining." Avyanna retorted. "So what's your full name?" she immediately faced me.

I don't want this, oh god why did I agree to this again please I want to leave right now!

I know I have imperfections and sometimes, I make mistakes but now is really the wrong time to make one.

Hold and behold, a rare Natalia stupid moment caught on 4k.

"Natalia Elyse Rossi," I answered.

"Oh! Mine is Avyanna Eloise Delavin. Avy for short," she said.

I didn't ask.

"Wait! So last night, was that your job?" Nicholas asked.

"No," I can't really say that it was an undercover mission can I now? I can't lie too much nor tell the whole truth. "It was a part-time job."

Everyone nodded and the awkward atmosphere just can't seem to go away. I don't want to initiate any conversation at all so I'll just answer the questions they throw.

"What university do you go to?" It was Zeke who asked.

"I don't go to university anymore."

"Huh? Why? Did you finish school already or did you stop?" Elizabeth asked, with a shocked expression on her face.

I just shrugged and didn't answer. They would think that I didn't finish, I'm sure of it. I don't want them to know because they will surely ask about my degree and they might connect the pieces together.

I won't risk it.

These people are smart. I can't underestimate them no matter how good I know I am.

"Where did you live all these years?" Cole asked. From my peripheral vision, I could see my sperm donor looking at me, observing me not batting any emotion at all.

My blood is boiling just looking at his fucking face.

Fuck, everyone here makes my blood boil! I just want to smash them all to the fucking ground but I need to compose myself because I'm going to hit them from the back where they would never see it coming.


He didn't react.

"Then what are you doing here in L.A?" Niccolo asked.

"Work," I shrugged.

"Does it pay well?"


For the past hours, it was filled with questions and answers. Luckily it was all basic questions like favorite color, food, number place, or whatever.

They didn't ask much about my childhood since we're not that close to going deep into that topic. Hell, they haven't even received the results yet to confirm if I am their daughter so they technically have no right to ask too personal questions.

Avyanna was the talkative one. She was mostly the one asking questions and I just deadpanned answered them all.

It's quite tiring and irritating at times because I'm not used to this.

If someone asks me a lot of questions, I'll end up throwing a knife at them out of frustration. Aries is one of the people that experienced that in the past.

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