chapter 26

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I turned around before answering the call. If I walk away, there's a chance they might still eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Дасан, говори на том же языке, что и я, когда говоришь ты." I said.
(Dasan, speak the same language as me when you speak.)

[Dasan] "Я уже сообщил команде. Мы сможем закончить максимум через две недели"
(I have already informed the team. We can finish in a maximum of two weeks)

"Хорошо. Обязательно обновляйте меня время от времени."
(Good. Be sure to update me from time to time.)

I hung up the call immediately before turning around and seeing their curious faces.

"What?" I raised a brow.

"What language is that?" Lucian asked.

"Russian." I shrugged.

Good thing their cameras don't have voice recording audios. If your house is registered legally, the cops have the right to go through their CCTVs and audios and that would be dangerous for them since they mostly talk about business.

Since videos are easier to manipulate than audio, most choose not to have them.

"I didn't know you speak Russian," Zeke stated.

I deadpanned look at him. "Because I never told you."

He's supposed to be smart right? Like I know he's a strategist of some sort so why is he being dumb all of a sudden.

"You know, if there would be a zombie apocalypse, you would be the only one who'll survive." I simply state walking past them.

I'm starting to feel sleepy so I decided to go to bed since it's almost midnight. Before entering the glass door, I quickly turned around looking at the four of them, "I'm going to bed. Good night crazy people."


"What does that even mean?!" Zeke exclaimed as Matteo and Cole laughed at Natalia's statement.

"I don't know brother. You guess. You're not the second command for nothing." Cole tapped Zeke's shoulder making me shake my head with a smile.

I really cherish these little moments with her, even if it's just a small chat. We can't force her to adjust quickly since she seems like someone who doesn't depend on anyone.

"All I see is another version of Cole," Zeke laughed.

"Cole is a headache already when he was around that age. What more is a female version of him." Matteo said clicking his tongue in annoyance.

Well, there's nothing we can do about that anymore.

"So, did you find anything?" Zeke questioned looking at Cole.

He shook his head in disappointment, "All I saw was her basic info. She doesn't have any records in any orphanages or schools."

Matteo scrunched his brows, "Maybe she got adopted and was homeschooled?"

Cole shook his head again, "I checked her relationship with everyone who has the Rossi surname. She has no relation with them at all."

"She said she works in El Corporations. She wouldn't be accepted there without a good background though?" Zeke explained.

"No, as far as I know, as long as you have great skills and potential with a clean background, you can be accepted there. I wonder what her job is?" I spoke.

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