chapter 45

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Okay? I didn't expect that at all.

"Dad!" Zeke called standing in front of Lucian. "Nat, we can explain!"

I just shook my head and took the glass of juice from the coffee table taking a small sip. From the corner of my eye, I could see Niccolo watching in amusement.

"We didn't mean to hide it from you, we just want you to feel safe, that we would never hurt you," Lucian explained, sitting beside me. "I know I just dropped the bombed like that, but I was taking a nap and suddenly I had a dream,"

"Mhm." I placed the glass of juice on top of the table.

"I feel like it's time for you to know the other side of the family business," he added while I just rested my cheek on my palm with my elbow on my thigh.

"I know, I know, we kill people, but we don't involve innocent people. But sometimes, things just get out of hand," he explained more. I'm starting to get amused by this.

"I'm the Don of the American Mafia, Cole is the second command, Zeke is the third in command, Matteo is the doctor, Nicholas is a streetfighter and he owns underground fight clubs, Niccolo is the hacker who protects the system, while your mom and Avy are not involved," he continued.

I just remained quiet waiting for him to finish. From my peripheral vision, I could see how tensed all of them are except Niccolo. They were waiting for my response or a reaction from me but I didn't give any.

I thought it would be something more dramatic like one of them getting shot and me lashing out about what happened making them reveal anything or someone would attack us then they would get all their guns and shit exposing themselves to me but it didn't cross my mind it would be like this.

Funny how it took them almost what? Almost six months before telling me. I'm not that petty nor close-minded to not understand why did that.

I mean, they're thinking I'm clueless about the underground, of course, they would assume that I would react badly which is something they shouldn't have done.

They shouldn't assume things.

"Please say something," Avyanna fiddled with her fingers. I looked at her with a bored expression and so did the others.

"We were just scared that you would leave once you find out. I know we should have told you a lot sooner," Matteo sighed.

The room was filled with a deafening silence. They were all waiting for me to say something.

I leaned back on the couch headrest, crossing my arms and legs, "For someone who's part of a mafia y'all are too soft," I tilted my head, looking at them while raising my brows.

"You're okay with this?" Elizabeth said but her voice was filled with hesitation.

"Do you want me to call the cops or something?" I chuckled taking out my phone.

"No! Yes! Wait no! I mean you can but you have no proof- ow!" Nicholas stuttered but was stopped by Niccolo when he smacked the back of his head.

These people!

"Sweetie, I know this is a lot to take in and we understand that you need time—"

"It's fine." I cut off Lucian. "I already know," I shrugged and shock was the only thing noticeable on their faces.

"How?!" Nicholas suddenly yelled.

"Let's see, hidden cameras there, there, and there," I pointed at the different cameras around the living room that was hidden behind paintings and vases, "You have guns on your waist always," I took the gun from Lucian's waist placing it on top of the table, "And you're quite famous when it comes to street rumors," I smiled.

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