chapter 30

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One of the men rolled down their window and fired a gun, aiming at the backseat window. Thank heavens I have this whole car bulletproof!

[Cole] "Shit! Was that a gunshot?!"

Oh, I forgot he's still there.

"Uh-huh. Hold on just a sec," I said as I stepped on the gas, going faster but this fuckers are really going at it.

Cole was screaming at the other side of the phone, I guess he was calling the whole family as I got annoyed and hung it up immediately.

I rolled down my window and started shooting the other car. Imbeciles don't even have their windows bulletproofed. I smirked as I saw how their driver was having a hard time controlling their car.

Slowly stepping on the breaks to go slower, I was not behind them giving me a clearer opportunity to shoot one of their wheels behind.

Successfully shooting one, their car went out of control as it hit a tree nearby.

Thankfully there are no cars passing by here at this time.

The car was already smoking in the front as the gas from underneath started to leak. I quickly run towards it to check if someone survived.

There was a man, groaning in pain as his leg was stuck. I laughed at him seeing how he is having a hard time.

"Okay, let's make this quick. Who sent you?" I asked. Because for all I know, it cannot be Philip or the French mafia because they're too much of an idiot to know what I look like.

I rolled my eyes when I see him resisting to answer the question, "Listen here. The person that sent you is the one who sent you to your grave. Does he not know not to cross me? You're already dying, why not bring him along with you!"

He started to cough blood and his breathing was getting heavier. He is about to die soon and still was not giving me a goddamn answer.

The gasoline smell started to get stronger as the front was already starting to ignite into flame. "Rot in hell you son of a bitch." I hissed as I immediately ran further from the car before it could explode.

Well, I did manage to run far but not that far! The explosion made me lose my balance, making me fall to the ground as the glass shards flew in my direction, grazing my arms and cheeks.

"Hah! These are the first injuries I got since I arrived here and it's already past one month!" I laughed walking back to my car.

My clothes are now fucking dirty and blood-stained. Gross.


Shit, this can't be good.

Dad was yelling at our men, ordering them to find where Natalia is right now. Everyone is in the living room, worried.

Mom is crying while Matteo and Avy were trying to calm her down.

Niccolo and Zeke are trying to check the cameras on the streets trying to see where she could have driven to.

"We can't see her here," Niccolo muttered still on her computer.

Everyone was getting worried and started to suggest what to do. Our voices were piling up with one another not being able to understand what one is saying.

But everyone suddenly stopped when the doors burst open revealing Natalia with a few bruises on her face with some blood and dirt on her clothes.

"Get me some water," she calmly said while catching her breath.

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