chapter 52

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The meeting was finally over as the rest bid their goodbyes leaving me with my family. I guess I would answer a shit ton of questions from them as I killed a man in front of them, specifically someone they used to know for years.

"I can't believe I just witnessed my daughter kill someone," Lucian massaged his forehead.

We're currently in my office as I hand them a glass of whiskey.

"Seeing someone getting killed isn't new to you, dad," I rolled my eyes, placing the glass of alcohol in front of him.

"Wait so you knew who we are since the beginning?" Cole asked.

"Of course. I Gotta give it to you, y'all were so good at hiding it that I never saw any traces of guns or anything illegal in that house. You never slipped up. If I didn't know who you are, I would just casually think you're just a businessman," I shrugged.

"You killed dad's third in command," Hugo whispered. "Thank you! You finally got rid of him at long last! I thought dad had some sort of romantic feelings for him that's why he couldn't kill him right away!" Hugo said in so much happiness.

The hell?

Uncle Marcel glared at him, "I do not. I was just waiting for him to say something useful," he defended.

"He was literally inside your family for years and not slipping up. He wouldn't just casually blurt things out. You plan on killing him after the meeting, too bad he didn't even make it at the beginning," I deadpanned.

"So you started the whole trafficking business at sixteen?" Kaizer asked.

"No," I shook my head.

Their expressions were all curious to know so I sighed and leaned on my table, crossing my arms as I started to tell them how the business started skipping some few details.

"I guess it really runs in the blood," Dad mumbled.

"So you started assassinating because?" Zeke questioned.

"I need money, obviously," I said, seeing Lucian furrow his brows made me heave a heavy sigh. "I only have myself and going to foster care was never an option," I added as I took a stick of cigarette placed it in between my fingers as I lit it in my mouth.

"You know, it's not the fact that you were an assassin that surprised me, it was the fact that you were Viper, the one who runs an arms trafficking business and one of the most feared and respected in the underground," Zeke stated. "You managed to hide it from us for almost half a year."

I rolled my eyes and continued to puff my cigarette when I received a knock on my door that I'd been waiting for.

"Enter," I stated.

Dasan and Claude entered holding a man whose hands and feet were tied with a rope. They threw him on the floor as I gave them the signal to leave.

"Whose that?" Cole asked.

I walked toward the guy and pulled his hair up for them to see his face. "Familiar?" I smirked upon seeing another shocked reaction from them.

"He's one of your lawyers, Uncle Marcel. Apparently, he's been giving your information out to Philip Reid for months now," I let go of my grip on his hair as I placed my foot on his shoulder. "So, what should we do about this?" I asked placing the lit-up cigarette on his neck, as he yelped in pain.

Everyone was quiet making the atmosphere frustrating. They should be able to come up with ways how to kill him by now! Some mafia men are.

"How about family time! I'll teach you my ways of torture," I smiled walking over to the small drawer on the side of my office where it contained different types of knives and blades.

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