chapter 24

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What a great way to start my day! 

"О чем это?" I asked in Russian because I know no one would understand me. Dasan would already have a clue why I was speaking another language. Luckily his mother tongue is Russian so it wouldn't be hard to converse with him.
(What is it about?)

[Dasan] "A lot of our security systems have been damaged. I don't know how we just noticed it now when we always do monthly inspections."

I scrunch my brows, "Значит, у нас внутри еще одна крыса. Блядь!" I frustratingly say as I reach the first floor.
(So we have another rat inside. Fuck!)

[Dasan] "We're already investigating on who it is, boss. What are your orders?"

Why do I have a feeling that something else is going on under my nose?

"Я хочу, чтобы вы и ваша команда произвели внезапную проверку всех материалов и продуктов на всех складах. Немедленно доложите мне, а когда поймаете крысу, получите от нее информацию и замучите до смерти. Обновите меня, даже самые мелкие детали." I sternly ordered as I walked in the dining room.
(I want you and your team to perform a surprise inspection of all materials and products in all warehouses. Report to me immediately, and when you catch the rat, get information from it and torture it to death. Refresh me, even the smallest details.)

[Dasan] "Yes, boss."

"Хорошо. Я позвоню еще раз позже." I said hanging up the call and placing my phone in my back pocket walking to my seat.
(Good. I'll call again later.)

Everyone was looking at me as if they want to say something. "Morning," blunt out cutting off the weird atmosphere.

"How was sleep?" Cole asked.


"Nice tattoos!" Nicholas complimented.

"Thanks," I shrugged before drinking a glass of warm water not minding their stairs at me.

"Why do you have them?" Zeke asked making me look at him with a raised brow. Is he really asking me that?

"Did I ever question you why you have tattoos?" I asked but he remained quiet. "Thought so." I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my bread.

So early for these imbeciles. 

Lucian cleared his throat making all of us look at him, "So, we will be leaving for work. Do you have plans for today?" He said, looking at me.

"I'm going to the mall to buy some things," I answered. 

"Can we come?" Nicholas asked, giving those puppy eyes as Niccolo and Avyanna did too. Do these three have school or a job to go to?


I don't think these people can take no for an answer. "Fine," I answered boredly and they all clapped their hands in excitement.

Bunch of kids, I tell you.

"You can have my card to buy the things you need. No limit." Lucian said handing over his black card to me.

I just shook my head telling him I don't need it. 

I couldn't exactly tell him I own El Co. right now because I have a meeting with him in two weeks. I don't want their actions to change just because they need something from me.

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