chapter 46

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"Alejandro, can I ask you something personal?" It was already the following day and right now, I stood in front of Alejandro who was also busy doing some paper works.

He placed his papers by the side of his desk neatly before removing his glasses. "What is it about? It sounds urgent," he asked.

"About Aries' mother," I said straight to the point.

Alejandro sighed and leaned on his chair, "I guess Aries didn't say anything about her, did he?"

"Yes," I simply answered taking a seat on the chair in front of his desk.

"My wife died ten years ago when Aries was just thirteen," he sighed, leaning on his chair.

"When she found out she was pregnant, she was beyond happy and so was I. Everything was perfect, she was the best mother to Aries when he was born, six years after, everything just seemed to change." Alejandro stopped for a moment so I handed him the box of tissue.

He chuckled and shook his head before continuing again. "When Aries was seven, it was when the verbal abuse started. She would constantly shout at him because of the smallest things. It would end up with the two of us arguing and her getting mad because I always chose my son's side. It went on for two years before she started hurting him physically."

I clenched my fist at Alejandro's words, I'm trying my best to calm myself and not make any irrational decisions. "Aries hid it from me for a year. I didn't notice it either because he keeps on saying that he got it from training which I believed immediately. it never crossed my mind that she would hit him. If I didn't catch her in the act, Aries would have ended up dead."

"What do you mean, dead?" I asked.

"She was about to kill him. Aries was covered in blood, bruises, and out of breath. She was holding a knife against his throat. As skilled as Aries was at that age, he just can't seem to hurt his mother." Alejandro continued.

"I was distracted on saving Aries that I let her escape. I used all my L.A.P.D. connections to find her but it was like she had vanished. Three years later, we received a tip that she died in an explosion. Aries didn't cry nor cared. After that, he never mentioned her once and got rid of all the things connected to her." Alejandro finished as he handed me a black folder.

It contained all the information about his wife. From the cases, she had to her cause of death and death certificate.

"Did they ever show you a body?" I asked, closing the folder.

"Just a photo of a burnt body because they cremated it immediately," he answered.

"So you didn't even confirm if it was her?" I raised a brow.

"The test there confirmed her identity," he answered.

I took out my phone opening a specific picture as I handed it to Alejandro.

"This woman, are you familiar with her?" I asked. Alejandro looked closely trying to figure out if she was familiar to him or not.

"Impossible," he whispered.

"Plastic surgery can go that far. Her looks can go far from her age. She looks so young, right?" I said as Alejandro looked at me with disbelief.

As soon as all my questions were answered, I left Alejandro's office and went to my warehouse. I need to go further into this. My gut is saying that there's something more to the picture.

"Dasan!" I yelled as he and his team came running inside my office.

"I want you to look into a specific person for me. I want all her information on my desk in three hours," I said as they all nodded.

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