chapter 20

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Fuck, a ten-hour flight is tiring but this is going to be worth it.

We just landed in Ireland and we didn't bother booking a place because once we finish we're going straight back to Los Angeles.

It's currently six in the evening here and I need to be back tomorrow since I'm close to moving in with the biologicals and I haven't even packed anything yet!

"Boss, the bombs are ready. I have gathered the locations of their warehouses. They're not really discreet about it, to be frankly honest." Yvaine reported.

Seriously? Does he really deserve that position?

"He has twenty-eight warehouses, one in each specific city. The main warehouse is located in Galway City where his main office is." Zathrian handed me an iPad where all the target locations are marked.

"Get the helicopters ready. We'll be using bomb 25.3.2 for this. Have you bought the gasoline?" Dasan gave me a signal, telling me that everything is already set.

The only thing they need to do is spill the gasoline around the warehouse and plant the bomb near it. We'll be using a special type of gasoline that I created. It doesn't dry up quickly and would last for seven hours. After the explosion, a fire would ignite burning everything down to ashes. The end.

"I want everything done by eleven in the evening, understood? Kill if needed but we need to be discreet as possible. At midnight, all bombs would be activated as we leave this place."

"Yes, boss."

We all changed our clothes and ate on the plane. Time is valuable, especially in situations like this.

I've been keeping Reid on track and he is still in Brazil unaware of the situation.

He's been messaging his rat without having a single clue that I'm the one replying to him. I'm having fun scanning through the rat's phone when my phone suddenly rang.

Oh shit.

[Aries] "Where are you? You're not in your house nor your office?"

Gosh, I might have forgotten to message him that I won't be able to meet him today. He said he has something important to tell me.

"I'm currently in Ireland," I shrugged.

[Aries] "What the fuck?! Since when?!"

"Since now? I just landed here, okay? We have some business to do."

[Aries] "Business like killing someone? And what do you mean 'we'? Who are you with?"

Too many questions, geez.

"My men, of course. Long story short, the leader of the Irish mafia blew up one of my warehouses because I rejected a partnership from him so here we are blowing up all of his warehouses!" I enthusiastically stated.

[Aries] "Just don't get yourself killed."

"I would never." I scoffed. "Anyways, got to go be back there tomorrow. I'll drop by your office once everything is settled, okay? Okay. Bye!"

Now time to execute the plan.


"Just in, twenty-eight buildings in Ireland had exploded at exactly midnight killing one thousand two hundred forty-three people. Investigation reveals that these buildings are warehouses that belonged to the Irish Mafia Organization. All corpses are now being identified, and still in search for the Capo. Everyone is advised to stay indoors for a week since the state had declared an emergency lockdown due to a possible war between another mafia. The government is doing its best to track down the people involved..."

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