chapter 31

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"What the hell happened to your face?!" Aries was holding my face, checking on my wounds closely.

I took his hand away from my face gently, "That's why I asked you to come here. I have a question," I sat on my swivel chair as he sat on the chair across my table.

"Is there a certain group here in L.A that has a dragon tattoo on their neck? Black and red in color?" I asked.

"The Dragon gang," he answered. What kind of name is that? Named by a thirteen-year-old?

"I know that face. Yes, it was named by a thirteen-year-old. Well, the leader's son to be exact. He's not really good at keeping their data that's why we easily found out about that," Aries answered.

I don't remember having any problems with any gangs so most probably they're sent by someone from one of my possible business enemies or Lucian's enemies.

"Wait were they the ones who did that to you?" Aries asked upon reaching the realization. I just hummed in response, leaning on my chair.

"Don't worry, I'll handle them later," I sighed.

"I'll come with you," he shrugged.

"Definitely not. I'll be killing them and it'll be bloody." I retorted. Aries is not very fond of blood and too much violence so I know he's not going to like it.

"So?" He raised his right brow.

"You don't like messy blood? I'm going to murder a bunch of people in front of you? You have work to do?" I stated one by one why he shouldn't go with me.

"Okay, and?"

"Fine! Meet me at my house at nine. Wear all black. I'll provide you the weapons," I sighed in defeat with Aries' persistence.

I took my phone and opened my messages with Lucian.

To Lucian:
I won't be going home tonight. I'll be working overtime.
I'll crash at my house.

From Lucian:
Ok. Take care.


"Yes, dad. I'm at the mall... I bought some things for uni... yes, I have my driver and bodyguards with me... but I asked them to not come with me."

After ending the call with dad, I walked around trying to find a place to have lunch at. When uni finally ends, I can finally spend much more time with my family and sister.

"Watch it!" I suddenly dropped my things and someone yelled at me, hitting me on my back.

"Sorry, I didn't see you." I picked up my things after apologizing. I don't even know why I need to apologize when she's the one who bumped into me.

I apologized again and started to walk away but the woman, the person that bumped into me grabbed my arm. "How dare you walk away from me after you blocked the path I'm walking into!" She yelled making other people look at us.

"I don't have time for this ma'am," I said trying to walk away again but she seems persistent in starting a scene.

She pushed my shoulder and slapped my hands making me drop all the things I'm holding. I just sighed and kneeled down, picking on the things on the floor.

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