chapter 44

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"We went off topic," I shook my head letting out a little chuckle. I sat back on the couch retouching my make-up as Aries was fixing his hair.

"You're the one who started it," he faced me, raising a brow.

I held my chest and gasped, "Excuse me? I didn't plan to go that far!"

Aries shook his head and sat down on his swivel chair going through his papers again. "So what do you say? Can I borrow one of your properties?" I asked.

He sighed and placed his papers down.


This fucking bitch! I crossed my arms and legs, leaning back on the couch pouting like a child looking at him but he seemed to be unfazed by it.

"Fine. It's not like I enjoyed it anyway," I mumbled under my breath which seemed to be heard by him.

Damn my mouth.

"What did you say?" Aries placed the paper he is holding down on his desk looking at me straight into the eyes.

I just gave him an innocent smile, "I said, have you tried car sex?" I asked trying to draw off what I said earlier but I think I just made it worst.

"You make me sound like your fuck buddy," he clicked his tongue.

"I didn't say anything! You're the one who said that!- Wait! Maybe it's you who see me as your fuck buddy! How dare you label me of such a thing." I stood up walking to his desk.

Aries just shook his head trying to hide his smile but he was failing.

"You're getting crazier each day," he shook his head. "And fine, you can borrow one property. Here's the location," he handed me a paper where the address was written.

Oh my god!

"I know you'll eventually give in," smirked.

Aries just rolled his eyes and continued on with his work. Since I'm already finished with mine at the company I decided to stay at his office for the rest of day.

"Don't destroy anything important or I'll send you to jail," he threatened which I didn't really take it personally because I'm used to it.

"Before you could put me in handcuffs, you're already laying cold on the floor, babe," I winked returning to the couch as I searched for the address on my phone.


"How was your day, Sam?" Cole asked his wife who had just arrived. Normally they would go home together but today, Samantha said she has personal matters to attend to and insisted on bringing her own car.

Cole was very much worried for her safety even though he knows she has enough protection around her. She has enemies of her own.

"It was... tiring," she answered before placing a kiss on Cole's cheek. "Where's Elijah?" She asked, placing her bag on the small table before sitting on their bed and removing her shoes.

"Playing in his room. Did you finish your errands?" Cole asked.

"Yes," Sam simply answered walking to their walk-in closet.

These past few days, Cole noticed she's been really quiet and tensed. Figuring that now is the right time to ask her about it.

He was just waiting for her to initiate whenever she was comfortable but it was bothering him.

"Sam," He called which she just hummed in response.

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