chapter 22

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Sitting here still feels weird but I need to endure it.

"So how's your day? Do you like your room?" Luciano asked, starting a conversation.

"Everything went well," I answered taking a bite of my food.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" Zeke asked.

"No. I'll come back to work next week, Monday," I answered. I have five days before returning to my office. It's not like I'm required to be there all the time.

As long as there's no problem, then they can handle it.

"Won't your boss get mad?" Avyanna curiously asked.

I'm the boss but you don't need to know that yet. "No."

"I'm really curious, where do you work? Are you sure it's a good environment for you? if you want we could give you a restaurant or a hotel to manage and the profit will be a hundred percent all yours," Lucian started rambling making me mentally sigh.

"I feel like her job pays well. She has a good car. The silver one parked outside." Nicholas intervened in the conversation.

I just nodded in agreement but I guess I need to answer this one, half-truth I guess.

"I work at El Corporation," I simply answered and everyone at the table went quiet for a second. Does my company affect them that much?

"That's a great company. The CEO pays their employees well," Cole said.

I just mentally rolled my eyes. Of course, I would. It wouldn't be a multi-billion company if I have incompetent employees.

"Do you have an idea who the CEO is?" Lucien carefully asked.

I just shrugged and continued eating.

"Ils restent fidèles à leur patron, papa. Même si elle le connaît personnellement, je doute qu'elle dise quoi que ce soit. Ne mélangeons pas les affaires," I heard Matteo whisper to Lucian which Cole and Zeke secretly nodded.
(They stay loyal to their boss, dad. Even if she knows him personally, I doubt she's saying anything. Let's not mix business.)

"Tu devrais écouter ton fils." I shrugged and all of them looked at me surprised.
(You should listen to your son.)

"You can speak French?!" Nicholas asked, still in shock.

No shit sherlock.

And it's not a him, stupid idiot. Stop assuming things.

"Riesci a capire l'italiano?" I asked in Italian.
(Can you understand Italian?)

"Sì, naturalmente. Tutti in famiglia parlano correntemente francese, inglese e italiano." Lucian answered.
(Yes of course. Everyone in the family is fluent in French, English, and Italian.)

I just nodded and continued eating. French, English, and Italian isn't the only language I know. But they don't need to know that... for now.

"I'm not asking you to leave your job, but if you need or want anything, don't hesitate to ask us, okay?" Lucian said ending the whole topic.

I just looked at him for a moment, "Okay." I answered.

The whole dinner went more smoothly than I expected. It's more of catching up with what each of them did the whole day.

I'm glad they didn't ask any further questions because I'm not in the mood to answer. My body is still tired from that twenty-hour flight.

"Natalia, after dinner, proceed to my office, okay?" Lucian said calmly.

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